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Fix snippets (#2362)
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* 🐛 Add check to prevent displaying blank metadata

* 🧹 Refactor generate_work_url method and add YARD documentation

- Refactored generate_work_url method by breaking it into smaller, modular helper methods for readability and maintainability.
- Added YARD documentation to each method in SharedSearchHelper for better code clarity and generating documentation.

* Add query parameters to link from thumbnail

* Update IiifPrint to branch

* Fix search

Not all items were being found.

* Fix spec

* Revert to main branch of iiif_print

* Restore markdown


Co-authored-by: LaRita Robinson <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
ShanaLMoore and laritakr authored Oct 25, 2024
1 parent 6931967 commit 920da19
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Showing 9 changed files with 146 additions and 22 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Gemfile.lock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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revision: 02f68fc6d93b44b05d826b29645ef182534a51b5
revision: 7f35ea9e5b4aedc55f2a6abd1dc5181bf9ed75ff
branch: main
iiif_print (3.0.1)
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,11 @@ def self.uploaded_field

# IiifPrint index fields
config.add_index_field 'all_text_timv'
config.add_index_field 'all_text_tsimv', label: "Item contents", highlight: true, helper_method: :render_ocr_snippets, if: :query_present?
config.add_index_field 'all_text_tsimv',
label: "Item contents",
highlight: true,
helper_method: :render_ocr_snippets,
values: ->(field_config, document, _context) { document.highlight_field(field_config.field).map(&:html_safe) if document.has_highlight_field? field_config.field }

# configuration for Blacklight IIIF Content Search
config.iiif_search = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,7 +233,7 @@ def self.uploaded_field
all_names =" ")
title_name = 'title_tesim'
field.solr_parameters = {
qf: "#{all_names} file_format_tesim all_text_timv",
qf: "#{all_names} file_format_tesim all_text_tsimv all_text_tsimv",
pf: title_name.to_s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -638,9 +642,5 @@ def show
def render_bookmarks_control?

def query_present?
# rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength, Metrics/BlockLength
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions app/helpers/hyku/blacklight_helper_behavior.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def link_to_document(doc, field_or_opts = nil, opts = { counter: nil })
# pull solr_document from input if we don't already have a solr_document
document = doc&.try(:solr_document) || doc
Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::UrlHelperBehavior) do
link_to label, generate_work_url(document, request), document_link_params(document, opts)
link_to label, generate_work_url(document, request, universal_viewer_url_params(opts)), document_link_params(document, opts)
# rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength
Expand All @@ -56,7 +56,13 @@ def link_to_document(doc, field_or_opts = nil, opts = { counter: nil })
# method `session_tracking_params`so that instead of a path we have a URL
# @private
def document_link_params(_doc, opts)
opts.except(:label, :counter)
opts.except(:label, :counter, :q, :highlight)
private :document_link_params

# options needed to carry the search into the universalviewer
def universal_viewer_url_params(opts)
opts.slice(:q, :highlight)
private :document_link_params
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70 changes: 62 additions & 8 deletions app/helpers/shared_search_helper.rb
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@@ -1,29 +1,83 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

# A helper module that generates work URLs based on models and request parameters.
module SharedSearchHelper
def generate_work_url(model, request)
# handle the various types of info we receive:
# Generates a URL for the given model with optional query parameters.
# @param model [Object] the model object, typically a work or collection
# @param request [ActionDispatch::Request] the current HTTP request object
# @param params [Hash] additional query parameters (e.g., search queries)
# @return [String] the generated URL with or without query parameters
def generate_work_url(model, request, params = {})
id, base_route_name, account_cname = extract_model_info(model, request)
request_params = extract_request_params(request)
url = build_url(id, request_params, account_cname, base_route_name)

append_query_params(url, model, params)


# Extracts the model ID, route name, and account cname from the model and request.
# @param model [Object] the model object (e.g., Hyrax::IiifAv::IiifFileSetPresenter or others)
# @param request [ActionDispatch::Request] the current HTTP request object
# @return [Array<String>] a tuple containing the model's ID, route name, and account cname
def extract_model_info(model, request)
if model.class == Hyrax::IiifAv::IiifFileSetPresenter
base_route_name = model.model_name.plural
id =
account_cname = request.server_name
model_hash = model.to_h.with_indifferent_access

base_route_name = model_hash["has_model_ssim"].first.constantize.model_name.plural
id = model_hash["id"]
account_cname = Array.wrap(model_hash["account_cname_tesim"]).first
[id, base_route_name, account_cname]

request_params = %i[protocol host port].map { |method| ["request_#{method}".to_sym, request.send(method)] }.to_h
url = get_url(id:, request: request_params, account_cname:, base_route_name:)
# Extracts protocol, host, and port information from the request.
# @param request [ActionDispatch::Request] the current HTTP request object
# @return [Hash] a hash containing the protocol, host, and port extracted from the request
def extract_request_params(request)
%i[protocol host port].map { |method| ["request_#{method}".to_sym, request.send(method)] }.to_h

# pass search query params to work show page
params[:q].present? ? "#{url}?q=#{params[:q]}" : url
# Builds the base URL for the given model and request information.
# @param id [String] the model's ID
# @param request_params [Hash] the extracted request parameters (protocol, host, port)
# @param account_cname [String, nil] the account cname, if applicable
# @param base_route_name [String] the base route name (e.g., 'works', 'collections')
# @return [String] the constructed base URL
def build_url(id, request_params, account_cname, base_route_name)
get_url(id: id, request: request_params, account_cname: account_cname, base_route_name: base_route_name)

# Appends the appropriate query parameters to the base URL based on the model and params.
# @param url [String] the base URL
# @param model [Object] the model object (e.g., work or collection)
# @param params [Hash] the query parameters, which may include search queries
# @return [String] the URL with appended query parameters, if applicable
def append_query_params(url, model, params)
return url if params[:q].blank?
if params[:q].present? && model.any_highlighting_in_all_text_fields?

# Constructs a URL with the given parameters.
# @param id [String] the model's ID
# @param request [Hash] the request parameters (protocol, host, port)
# @param account_cname [String, nil] the account cname, if applicable
# @param base_route_name [String] the base route name (e.g., 'works', 'collections')
# @return [String] the constructed URL
def get_url(id:, request:, account_cname:, base_route_name:)
new_url = "#{request[:request_protocol]}#{account_cname || request[:request_host]}"
new_url += ":#{request[:request_port]}" if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?
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21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions app/presenters/blacklight/thumbnail_presenter_decorator.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

# OVERRIDE Blacklight 7.35 to pass the query parameters to the UV via the thumbnail URL
module Blacklight
module ThumbnailPresenterDecorator
# Render the thumbnail, if available, for a document and
# link it to the document record.
# @param [Hash] image_options to pass to the image tag
# @param [Hash] url_options to pass to #link_to_document
# @return [String]
def thumbnail_tag(image_options = {}, url_options = {})
value = thumbnail_value(image_options)
return value if value.nil? || url_options[:suppress_link]
view_context.link_to_document document, value, url_options

5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion app/views/catalog/_index_header_list_default.html.erb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
<%# OVERRIDE Hyrax v5.0.1 to collection badge and markdown of links %>
<div class="search-results-title-row col-12 d-flex flex-row align-items-center pb-2">
<h4 class="search-result-title"><%= link_to markdown(document.title_or_label), generate_work_url(document, request) %></h4>
<h4 class="search-result-title">
<%= link_to markdown(document.title_or_label), generate_work_url(document, request, params) %>

<% if document.hydra_model == Hyrax.config.collection_class || document.hydra_model < Hyrax.config.collection_class %>
<%=, current_ability).collection_type_badge %>
<% end %>
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion app/views/catalog/_index_list_default.html.erb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
<%# OVERRIDE Hyrax 5.0.1 to enable markdown for index field values in search results %>
<%# OVERRIDE Hyrax 5.0.1 to handle search only accounts %>
<%# OVERRIDE Hyrax 5.0.1 display label only when a property has a value, to prevent blank metadata %>

<div class="ol-md-9 col-lg-6">
<div class="metadata">
<% doc_presenter = index_presenter(document) %>
<% index_fields(document).each do |field_name, field| -%>
<% if should_render_index_field? document, field %>
<% field_value = doc_presenter.field_value(field) %>
<% if should_render_index_field?(document, field) && field_value.present? %>
<div class="row">
<dt class="col-5 text-right" data-solr-field-name="<%= field_name %>"><%= render_index_field_label document, field: field_name %></dt>
<dd class="col-7"><%= markdown(doc_presenter.field_value field) %></dd>
Expand Down
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions app/views/catalog/_thumbnail_list_default.html.erb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
<!-- OVERRIDE Hyrax v5.0 to allow passign options to the thumbnail tag
to allow carrying along the query to the universal viewer -->
<% model = document.hydra_model %>
<% if params['q'].present? && document.any_highlighting_in_all_text_fields? %>
<% additional_options = params.slice('q').merge( { :highlight=>'true' } ) %>
<% elsif params['q'].present? %>
<% additional_options = params.slice('q') %>
<% else %>
<% additional_options = {} %>
<% end %>

<div class="col-md-3">
<% if model == Hyrax::PcdmCollection || model < Hyrax::PcdmCollection %>
<%= document_presenter(document)&.thumbnail&.thumbnail_tag({}, suppress_link: true) %>
<% else %>
<div class="list-thumbnail">
<%= document_presenter(document)&.thumbnail&.thumbnail_tag({}, additional_options ) %>
<% end %>
23 changes: 20 additions & 3 deletions spec/helpers/shared_search_helper_spec.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@

let(:uuid) { SecureRandom.uuid }
let(:request) { instance_double(ActionDispatch::Request, port: 3000, protocol: "https://", host: account.cname) }
let(:work_hash) { { id: uuid, 'has_model_ssim': ['GenericWork'], 'account_cname_tesim': account.cname } }
let(:work_hash) { uuid, 'has_model_ssim': ['GenericWork'], 'account_cname_tesim': account.cname) }

before do
allow(helper).to receive(:current_account) { account }
Expand All @@ -30,7 +30,15 @@
allow(params).to receive(:[]).with(:q).and_return('foo')

url = "#{request.protocol}#{cname}/concern/generic_works/#{uuid}?q=foo"
expect(helper.generate_work_url(work_hash, request)).to eq(url)
expect(helper.generate_work_url(work_hash, request, params)).to eq(url)

it 'returns #generate_work_url with a query and highlight true for UV' do
allow(params).to receive(:[]).with(:q).and_return('cat')
allow(work_hash).to receive(:any_highlighting_in_all_text_fields?).and_return(true)

url = "#{request.protocol}#{cname}/concern/generic_works/#{uuid}?parent_query=cat&highlight=true"
expect(helper.generate_work_url(work_hash, request, params)).to eq(url)

Expand All @@ -46,7 +54,16 @@
allow(params).to receive(:[]).with(:q).and_return('foo')

url = "#{request.protocol}#{account.cname}:#{request.port}/concern/generic_works/#{uuid}?q=foo"
expect(helper.generate_work_url(work_hash, request)).to eq(url)
expect(helper.generate_work_url(work_hash, request, params)).to eq(url)
allow(work_hash).to receive(:any_highlighting_in_all_text_fields?).and_return(false)

it 'returns #generate_work_url with a query and highlight true for UV' do
allow(params).to receive(:[]).with(:q).and_return('cat')
allow(work_hash).to receive(:any_highlighting_in_all_text_fields?).and_return(true)

url = "#{request.protocol}#{account.cname}:#{request.port}/concern/generic_works/#{uuid}?parent_query=cat&highlight=true"
expect(helper.generate_work_url(work_hash, request, params)).to eq(url)
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