A domain specific language designed to operate and automate Twitter accounts/bots using Tweepy API.
- Install Python 3
cd web-application/dsl_bots/
. ./activate
cd web-application/dsl_bots/core/dsl/antlr4/
module load ./antlr4module
antlr4py3 -visitor dsl.g4
antlr4py3 dslLexerGrammar.g4
antrl4py3 NumericLexer.g4
cd web-application/dsl_bots/core/dsl/dsl_source_files/
echo tweet status : \"Pygrun Token Test\" \; > input.txt
pygrun dsl twitbot --tokens input.txt
[@3,15:33='Pygrun Token Test',<3>,1:15]
pygrun dsl twitbot --tree input.txt
(tweet tweet
(tweet_required_parameter status :
(stringValue Pygrun Token Test))))) ;)
- Create a superuser to login to Django admin.
python manage.py createsuperuser
Username: admin
Email address:
Password: admin
Passowrd (again): admin
Superuser created successfully.
# run server
python manage.py runserver
- Go to
on local domain e.g. - Create a Twitter Account in Django admin
- Create a Twitter Campaign in Django admin and upload dsl script as
- Use Ubuntu terminal to execute the Django management command
python manage.py execute_dsl --account-id {id-number} --campaign-id {id-number}
- Create
containing oauth_consumer_key, oauth_consumer_secret, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret on seperate lines - Enter personal "recipient_id" in all direct_message test cases
cd web-application/dsl_bots
# Run all unit tests
./manage.py test core.tests
# Run TwitterAccountCampaignUploadTest class
./manage.py test core.tests.TwitterAccountCampaignUploadTest
# Run DSLParsingTest class
./manage.py test core.tests.DSLParsingTest
# Run DSLVisitorWalkerAPITests class
./manage.py test core.tests.DSLVisitorWalkerAPITests
# Run BotScriptTest class, will require Control-C to kill process
./manage.py test core.tests.BotScriptTest
Domain Specific Language Grammar in EBNF
<twitbot> ::= (<statement> ';')+
<statement> ::= <action>
<action> ::= <tweet>
| <tweetImage>
| <reply>
| <retweet>
| <favourite>
| <scheduleTweet>
| <directMessage>
| <autoFavouriteRetweet>
| <autoFollowFollowers>
| <autoReplyMentions>
<tweet> ::= 'tweet' <tweet_req_param> (',' <tweet_optional_params>)*
<tweet_req_param> ::= 'status' ':' <string>
<tweet_optional_params> ::= 'possibly_sensitive' ':' <boolean>
| 'lat' ':' <number>
| 'long' ':' <number>
| 'display_coordinates' ':' <boolean>
<tweetImage> ::= 'tweet_image' <tweet_req_param> ',' <tweetImage_req_param> (',' <tweet_optional_params>)*
<tweetImage_req_param> ::= 'image_name' ':' <string>
<reply> ::= 'reply_to_tweet' <reply_req_params> (',' <tweetImage_req_param>)? (',' <tweet_optional_params>)*
<reply_req_params> ::= 'in_reply_to_status_id' ':' <number> ',' 'status' ':' <string>
<retweet> ::= 'retweet' 'id' ':' <number>
<favourite> ::= 'favourite' 'id' ':' <number>
<scheduleTweet> ::= 'schedule' <scheduleTweet_req_param>
<scheduleTweet_req_param> ::= <date_time_param> ',' (<tweet> | <tweetImage>)
<date_time_param> ::= <minute> ',' <hour> ',' <day_of_month> ',' <month>
<minute> ::= 'minute' ':' <numeric_minute>
<hour> ::= 'hour' ':' <numeric_hour>
<day_of_month> ::= 'day_of_month' ':' <numeric_day>
<month> ::= 'month' ':' <numeric_month>
<directMessage> ::= 'direct_message' <directMessage_req_params>
<directMessage_req_params> ::= 'recipient_id' ':' <number> ',' 'text' ':' <string>
<autoFavouriteRetweet> ::= 'auto_fav_retweet' <keyword> (',' <keyword>)*
<autoFollowFollowers> ::= 'follow_all_followers'
<autoReplyMentions> ::= 'automate_reply_to_mentions' <automateReply_req_param> (',' <keyword>)+
<automateReply_req_param> ::= 'automate_time_minutes' ':' <numeric_minute> ',' 'response' ':' <string>
<string> ::= [a-zA-Z0-9]+
<keyword> ::= 'keyword' ':' <string>
<number> ::= (<unary_operator>)? <unsigned_number>
<unary_operator> ::= '+'
| '-'
<unsigned_number> ::= <unsigned_int>
| <unsigned_float>
<unsigned_int> ::= (<digit>)+
<unsigned_float> ::= (<digit>)+ '.' (<digit>)*
<digit> ::= [0-9]
<boolean> ::= 'True'
| 'False'
<numeric_month> ::= 0[1-9]|1[0-2]
<numeric_day> ::= 0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]
<numeric_hour> ::= 0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]
<numeric_minute> ::= 0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-9]|4[0-9]|5[0-9]
tweet status : "This is a testing tweet for README" ;
schedule minute : 00, hour : 17, day_of_month : 12, month : 08, tweet status : "Happy Birthday!" ;