- A seller, buyer and and admin based dashboard project
- Payment stripe implement
- JWT Token implement
- Authentication implement
- Mongo server implement
- Axios implement
- React query implement
- React form hook
- In this site a user can signup as a buyer as a seller
- In this site a buyer can book product and payment through the website
- Buyer can also report a product
- A seller can add product view product and advertise their product
- An admin can also see all buyer seller and report
- Admin can can dlete a seller or buyer. He/she can also delete reported products.
Admin Credential: adminEmail: [email protected] adminPassword: 123&Abc
Seller Credential: Selle mail: [email protected] Seller Password: 123&abcX
Buyer Credential: Buyer mail: [email protected] Buyer Password: 123&abcX