Python implementations of some algorithms from the CLRS textbook
- Insertion sort
- Insertion sort in non-ascending order
- Mergesort
- Heapsort
- draw_heap() - a function that draws a visual representation of the heap - useful for debugging!
- Quicksort
- Randomized quicksort
- Counting sort
- random(a, b) - generates a random number between a and b using random(0, 1)
- Randomize an array in-place
Rod cutting problem
- Recursive solution
- Top-down memoized solution
- Bottom-up solution
Longest common subsequence
- Breadth-first search (
- Depth-first search (
- Topological sorting of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) (
- Bellman-Ford algorithm for graphs with negative edges
- Dijkstra's algorithm