- Name: Priyam Saikia
- UFID: **** ****
- Email: [email protected]
keywordcounter.java -> Primary .java file, acts as the entry-point.
Most_Frequent_Search.java -> Populates the hash-map, calls Fibonacci Heap functions and returns top n keywords.
Max_Fib_Heap.java -> Max Fibonacci Heap Functions Implementation.
makefile -> Compiles the java files Readme.md -> Instructions to run
Report.pdf -> Report for the project
sample1.txt -> Sample Test File 1
sample2.txt -> Sample Test File 2
sample_large.txt -> Sample Test File 3
output_file1.txt -> Output to Sample Test File 1
output_file2.txt -> Output to Sample Test File 2
output_large.txt -> Output to Sample Test File 3
NOTE: sample1.txt is the one that professor provided us along with the problem statement. sample2.txt and sample3.txt are two new test cases.
- Login to thunder.cise.ufl.edu
- Extract files from Zip folder
- Change directory to corresponding extracted folder
- Type ‘make’ without the quotes and enter. The java files should compile.
- Type ‘java keywordcounter <test_file_name.txt>’ and enter
- Output can be accessed from the newly generated “output_file.txt” file in the same folder as input file.
- Max Fibonacci heap: Keeps track of the keywords as Nodes. The maximum node or root contains the keyword with maximum frequency.
- Hash Map: Keeps track of the keywords and their corresponding nodes in the Max Fibonacci Heap using key-value pair with key being the keyword and value as the pointer to the corresponding node.