This Project is supposed to helper Masternode Owners to create the signings for DFIPs and CFPs.
- Run the Application
- Run the Desktop Wallet
- Enter the RPC Auth Info of your local Wallet
- Click "Load Masternodes"
- Select your votes for the DFIPs and CFPs
- Click Sign
- Copy and Paste the Result into Github
flutter build macos --build-name=0.5 --build-number 5 --verbose --release
create-dmg \
--volname "saiive-MN-Signer" \
--window-pos 200 120 \
--window-size 800 529 \
--icon-size 130 \
--text-size 14 \
--icon "macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_1024 08.26.38.png" 260 250 \
--hide-extension "DefiChain Masternode" \
--app-drop-link 540 250 \
--hdiutil-quiet \
"saiive MN Signer.dmg" \
"build/macos/Build/Products/Release/DefiChain Masternode"