The x2fax (fax4j sub project) is a set of standalone servers and deployable components which enable to provide x2fax capabilities.
The fax4j x2fax is a set of standalone servers and deployable components which enable to provide x2fax services.
Already comes with built-in email component to enhance email servers to provide email2fax services and HTTP servers and WARs to convert any web server to a web2fax bridge.
You can get the latest version from here
The x2fax is a sub project of the fax4j Java faxing library.
The fax4j x2fax library comes with a maven pom.xml which can be used to build the library, standalone servers and deployable components.
While this library supports java 1.5 and up, the build process of this library (not of depended libraries) require java 5/6.
However building this library from source is not required as it provide many extension capabilities via configuration.
Each server/component has it's installation/setup requirements.
Those installation instructions can be found in each server/component directory.
In addition you can find here the instructions and explanation for each server/component.
The fax4j-x2fax library is distributed under the "The Apache Software License, Version 2.0" license which means that it is possible to distribute this library also in commercial closed source products.
See Change Log for full report.