# | Title | Description |
1 | Hello World | The classical introductory exercise. Just say "Hello, World!". |
2 | Leap Year | Given a year, report if it is a leap year. |
3 | Two-Fer | The task is to determine what to say given a prompt. |
4 | Raindrops | The task is to convert a number into a string that contains raindrop sounds corresponding to certain potential factors. |
5 | Word Count | The task is to count how many times each word occurs in a subtitle of a drama. |
6 | Tournament | The task is to tally the results of a small football competition based on an input file containing which team played against which and what the outcome was. |
7 | Phone Number | The task is to clean up user-entered phone numbers so that they can be sent via SMS messages. |
8 | Rotational Cipher | Create an implementation of the rotational cipher, also sometimes called the Caesar cipher. |
# | Title | Description |
1 | Airquality TEMP | Making a hectograph based on the frequency of Temperatures in New York City from May 1 - September 30, 1973, |
2 | Simple BarPlot with CARS93 data | Making a bar graph based on the frequency of the TYPES of cars manufactured in 1993. |
3 | Males Hair-To-Eye_Color | Analytical Data Analysis of Male Hair and Eye Color Frequencies Using Bar Plot. |
4 | Females Hair-To-Eye_Color | Exploratory Data Analysis of Hair and Eye Color Frequencies in Females Using Bar Plot. |
5 | Grouping Origins of cars by Type | Comparison of USA and non-USA Cars by Type: A Grouped Bar Plot Analysis of Cars93 Data. |
6 | Simple Pie Chart with Cars93 Data | Pie Chart of Car Types in the Cars93 Dataset. |
7 | Simple Scatterplot with Airquality Data | Scatterplot of Temperature vs Wind Velocity in the Airquality Dataset. |
8 | Simple Boxplot with Airquality Data | Boxplot of Temperature by Month in Airquality Dataset. |
9 | Hair Eye Color Visualization | Distribution of Hair and Eye Color Frequencies. |
10 | A Barplot of Cars93 Dataset with GGplot | Car Type and Frequency in the Cars93 Dataset. |
11 | Population Age Distribution with GGplot | Grouped Bar Plot of Population Age Distribution in Selected Countries. |
11 | Air Quality Analysis with GGplot's Scatterplot | Analysis of the Effect of Wind and Ozone on Temperature in Air Quality Data. |
12 | Air Quality Analysis with GGally | An R script analyzing the air quality dataset using the GGally package for creating a matrix of scatterplots between variables, and ggplot2 for visualizing individual plots. |
13 | Boxplot of Monthly Temperature in New York City | This R script reads in the airquality dataset and creates a boxplot of the temperature for each month in New York City. |
14 | Boxplot of Pre-treatment Weights for Three Anorexia Treatment Groups | This script creates a boxplot with points overlaid to compare the pre-treatment weights of patients in three different treatment groups for anorexia. |
15 | Analysis of Daily Total Precipitation in Boulder Creek from August to October 2013 | This R code reads daily precipitation data from a CSV file, filters the data to include observations from August to October 2013, and creates a bar plot of the daily total precipitation during the selected period. |
16 | Daily Precipitation - Boulder, Colorado from 2003 to 2013 | This script reads in a dataset containing daily precipitation values in inches for Boulder, Colorado from 2003 to 2013.The data is also faceted by year to show how precipitation varies over time. |
17 | Monthly Total Daily Precipitation in Boulder, Colorado from 2003 to 2013 | This script reads in a daily precipitation dataset for Boulder, Colorado from 2003 to 2013 and aggregates the data by month and year to create a bar chart of monthly total daily precipitation. |
18 | Stream Discharge (CFS) - Boulder Creek 1986-2016 | This script reads in daily stream discharge data for Boulder Creek for the years 1986-2013 and creates a scatter plot of the discharge values for the period between 1986-2016 |
19 | Daily Total Precipitation - Boulder Station, 1948-2013 | This script reads in daily precipitation data from Boulder Station spanning from 1948 to 2013, and calculates the total daily precipitation for each day from January to September 2013. |
20 | Visualization of Stream Discharge Time Series with Plotly and DyGraph | This script reads in a daily stream discharge dataset spanning from 1986-2013, and creates interactive time series visualizations of the data using the dygraphs package. |
21 | Life Expectancy over Time in Ghana | This script loads life expectancy data from the World Bank and continent data from Our World in Data, cleans and processes the data using dplyr and tidyr, and then creates a plot of Ghana's life expectancy over time from 1960 to 2022 using ggplot2. The plot shows a scatter plot of the data points and a line connecting them. |
22 | Interactive Histogram of Random Value with Shiny & R plot | This script generates a histogram of a user-specified number of random values between 0 and 1 using Shiny slider. The histogram displays the frequency distribution of the generated values. Additionally, the script calculates and displays the mean, median, and standard deviation of the generated values. |
23 | Interactive Scatterplot with Correlation and Regression Line | This script generates a histogram of a user-specified number of random values between 0 and 1 using Shiny slider. The plot is displayed using ggplot2, and summary statistics including mean, median, and standard deviation are displayed below the plot. |
24 | Interactive Histogram of Random Value with Shiny & GGplot | This script uses the shiny package to create an interactive scatterplot with the airquality dataset. The plot includes a regression line and displays the correlation coefficient between the selected variables on the x-axis and y-axis. |
25 | Density pPots for the Variables of Iris.uci | This script creates a density plot from the variables of the Iris dataset |
26 | Exploratory Data Analysis of Iris Dataset using GGally Package | The analysis provides insights into the relationships between different features of the Iris flowers. |