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Alexey Borzov edited this page Nov 29, 2021 · 2 revisions

Modifying AST and building SQL

The query is represented as a tree of Nodes so it isn't difficult to write naïve functions for working with said tree

use sad_spirit\pg_builder\StatementFactory;

function listTables(\sad_spirit\pg_builder\Node $node)
    if ($node instanceof \sad_spirit\pg_builder\nodes\lists\FromList) {
        foreach ($node as $child) {

    } elseif ($node instanceof \sad_spirit\pg_builder\nodes\range\JoinExpression) {

    } elseif ($node instanceof \sad_spirit\pg_builder\nodes\range\RelationReference) {
        echo $node->name;
        if ($node->tableAlias) {
            echo " aliased as " . $node->tableAlias;
        echo "\n";

$factory = new StatementFactory();
$select  = $factory->createFromString(
    'select * from foo left join (bar.baz as bb natural join quux) using (foo_id), another.source as s2, foo as f2'

echo "List of tables used in query:\n";

will output

List of tables used in query:
"bar"."baz" aliased as "bb"
"another"."source" aliased as "s2"
"foo" aliased as "f2"

This, of course, misses common table expressions, subselects in various parts of query, etc. A better way is to create TreeWalker implementations for processing AST.

TreeWalker interface

TreeWalker interface defines methods (97 at the time of this writing) for visiting various subclasses of Node that appear in the Abstract Syntax Tree representing the query. It is not necessary to learn these methods' names, as Node defines a dispatch() method: it is overridden in subclasses to call the method of TreeWalker used for processing the current subclass.

The package contains one child interface of TreeWalker

  • StatementToStringWalker - Adds explicit string return type hints to methods accepting Statement instances, so that StatementFactory::createFromAST() will work as expected.

and the following TreeWalker implementations:

  • BlankWalker - A convenience class for creating TreeWalker implementations. Its methods only do dispatch to child nodes of the current node.
    • ParameterWalker - A tree walker that extracts information about parameters' types and replaces named parameters with positional ones.
  • SqlBuilderWalker (implementing StatementToStringWalker) - A tree walker that generates SQL from abstract syntax tree.

Note: It is not recommended to directly implement TreeWalker, as new methods may be added to it once new syntax of Postgres is supported. Create a subclass of BlankWalker instead.

Extending BlankWalker

The above implementation can be redone using BlankWalker with the added benefit that it will handle instances of RelationReference appearing anywhere in the query:

use sad_spirit\pg_builder\{
use sad_spirit\pg_builder\nodes\range\RelationReference;

class TableWalker extends BlankWalker
    public function walkRelationReference(RelationReference $rangeItem)
        echo $rangeItem->name;
        if ($rangeItem->tableAlias) {
            echo " aliased as " . $rangeItem->tableAlias;
        echo "\n";

$factory = new StatementFactory();
$select  = $factory->createFromString(
    'select * from foo left join (bar.baz as bb natural join quux) using (foo_id), another.source as s2, foo as f2'

echo "List of tables used in query:\n";
$select->dispatch(new TableWalker());

We only had to override the method of TreeWalker dealing with RelationReference nodes (its name could be found out by checking RelationReference::dispatch()).

ParameterWalker class

This class is used internally by StatementFactory::createFromAST() to

Using named parameters like :foo instead of standard PostgreSQL's positional $1 has obvious benefits when query is being built: it is far easier to create unique parameter names than to assign successive numbers when query parts are added all over the place.

Also, having the means to extract type info directly from query allows us to specify it only once and make it available both to Postgres and to PHP code.

use sad_spirit\pg_builder\{
use sad_spirit\pg_wrapper\Connection;

$connection = new Connection('host=localhost user=postgres dbname=postgres');
$factory    = StatementFactory::forConnection($connection);
$connection->setTypeConverterFactory(new ParserAwareTypeConverterFactory($factory->getParser()));

$native = $factory->createFromAST($factory->createFromString(
    'select typname from pg_catalog.pg_type where oid = any(:oid::integer[]) order by typname'
$result = $native->executeParams($connection, ['oid' => [21, 23]]);


array(2) {
  [0] =>
  string(4) "int2"
  [1] =>
  string(4) "int4"

SqlBuilderWalker class

This class, as its name implies, is used for generating SQL. It is used internally by StatementFactory::createFromAST().

SQL this class generates is intended to be somewhat human-readable, so it tries to indent parts of query and keep line lengths below reasonable limit. This is configured via constructor, it accepts an array with the following options:

  • 'indent' - string used to indent parts of query, defaults to four spaces.
  • 'linebreak' - string used to separate lines, defaults to "\n".
  • 'wrap' - try to keep lines shorter than this, defaults to 120.
  • 'escape_unicode' - if set to true, non-ASCII characters in string constants and identifiers will be represented by Unicode escape sequences.

It also has an enablePDOPrepareCompatibility(bool $enable): void method that triggers escaping of operators containing a question mark. This method is called automatically by StatementFactory if needed for PDO compatibility.