This is the repository which contains my progress while learning every chapter from Udemy's course.
Currently I have completed following chapters:
- Chapter 2: Building "I am Rich" application
- Chapter 3: Something like homework: build "I am Poor" application similar to "I am Rich" app
- Chapter 4: Useful resources
- 21 Open Source iOS Apps Written in Swift -
- Open Source iOS apps in GitHub -
- What I learned: some introduction to variables, simple data types, method invocations and UI/Code interactions by creating Dice roller app. Since I already have some background knowledge about variables and data types from Java -- I had to watch them quickly just to make some comparisons between 2 languages.
- Chapter 5: Finished creating simple app Magic 8 Ball
- Chapter 6: Completed the task related to Calculator autolayout.
- Chapter 7: Finished the chapter by completing Xylophone functionality.
- -- About Dispatch or GCD -- let's to add concurrency functionality to your program
- Chapter 8: Finished the chapter. Learned that we can use Timer class to enable countdown/countup timer in your app with 1 second delay
- Chapter 9: learned about struct in Swift, progress bar view, how to create custom buttons using background, structs and some did some MVC stuff
- Chapter 10: Finished. Some practice project. Nothing challenging. Just to sum up what learned.
- Chapter 11: Finished it. Learned the diff between Struct vs Class, working with segues and additional VCs.
- Chapter 12: Finished chapter by working on excercise project. Nothing new to learn.
- Chapter 13: Learned about protocol/extensions and delegates, location management
- Chapter 14: Practice project: fetch bitcoin rates for selected currency. Use knowledge about network, REST API usage, extensions and protocols.
- Chapter 15: Learned about UITableViewController and working with Firebase, managing keyboard autohide and autopopup using IQKeyboardManager.
- Chapter 17: Learned about SwiftUI, observable pattern, adding logics into ContentView, running iOS application on Mac by enabling Catalyst.
- Chapter 18:
- Learned about UserDefaults
- FileManager to persist user data
- CRUD data and adding predicates to query using CoreData, SeachBar.
- Add RealmSwift pod to use instead of CoreData
- Migrated from CoreData to RealmSwift
- Integrated SwipeTableViewCell and used inheritence
- Imporeved design using Chameleon library
- Chapter 19: Didnt pass it. Need Apple Developer Account.
- Chapter 21: Created "Hotdog or Not hotdog" app with CoreML
- Chapter 23: Created "WhatFlower" app with CoreML and Caffe pretrained model
- Chapter 24: Built own ML model to detect VW cars
- Chapter 25: Built NLP processing app using Twitter data
- Chapter 26: Generating 3D objects and horizontal planes using ARKit.
- BONUS: The complete app design course. Overall, the design is made in following order:
- User flow dragram - drown using pencil or online tool to quickly draw forms. Can use
- Prototype/Wireframe - draw using more like app design, but still with mock elements. Can use or or
- Mockup - actual design of the app for specific platform (iOS or Android). Can use Sketch app, Principle for Mac.
- BONUS: The compete app marketing course.
- Useful resources for landing page creation:,
- Idea validation:
- Device mockups for screenshots -,
- Stopped at video 23
- RealmSwift - DB ORM
- SwipeTableViewCell - - add Mail's swipe like functionality
- Chameleon - make app colourful: add random colors, contrast colors and etc
- origin repo: vicc/chameleon#245 (outdated)
- fork with support Swift 5 - (branch: swift5)
- - Android (basic) and iOS icon generators
- - Android Icon generator with various shapes
- - online color picker
- - online converter of colors to UIColor
- - free to use Fonts
- - free graphics resources (images, PSD, args etc)
- - create iOS app icons
- - 3D maps of planets for ARKit
For HD photographic Images, these are my favourite websites:
For vector images:
These are some of my favourite resources for free (with attribution) icons: