- Geometric grouping and superpoint graph construction./segmentation/*
- Superpoint embedding and segmentation.
This code is tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with CUDA 8.0 and Pytorch 0.4.1.
Install PyTorch and torchnet with following commands:
pip install git+https://github.com/pytorch/tnt.git@master
. -
You need to install some additional Python packages too:
pip install future python-igraph tqdm transforms3d pynvrtc fastrlock cupy h5py sklearn plyfile scipy
. -
Install Boost (1.63.0 or later) and Eigen3, in Conda:
conda install -c anaconda boost; conda install -c omnia eigen3; conda install eigen; conda install -c r libiconv
. -
Clone cut pursuit repository in
folder -
Compile the
cd partition/ply_c
cmake . -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=$CONDAENVPath/lib/libpython3.6m.so -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$CONDAENVPath/include/python3.6m -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=$CONDAENVPath/include -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=$CONDAENVPath/include/eigen3
cd ..
cd cut-pursuit/src
cmake . -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=$CONDAENVPath/lib/libpython3.6m.so -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$CONDAENVPath/include/python3.6m -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=$CONDAENVPath/include -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=$CONDAENVPath/include/eigen3
where $CONDAENVPath
is the path to your conda environment.
Download S3DIS Dataset and extract Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version.zip
to $S3DIR_DIR/data
, where $S3DIR_DIR
is dataset directory.
To fix some issues with the dataset, apply path S3DIS_fix.diff with: cp S3DIS_fix.diff $S3DIR_DIR/data/s3dir/data; cd $S3DIR_DIR/data/s3dir/data; git apply S3DIS_fix.diff; rm S3DIS_fix.diff; cd -
To compute the groupings, run
python grouping/partition.py --dataset s3dis --ROOT_PATH $S3DIR_DIR --voxel_width 0.03 --reg_strength 0.03
First, reorganize point clouds into superpoints by:
python segmentation/s3dis_dataset.py --S3DIS_PATH $S3DIR_DIR
To train on the all 6 folds, run
for FOLD in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do \
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python segmentation/main.py --dataset s3dis --S3DIS_PATH $S3DIR_DIR --cvfold $FOLD --epochs 350 --lr_steps '[275,320]' \
--test_nth_epoch 50 --model_config 'gru_10_0,f_13' --ptn_nfeat_stn 14 --nworkers 2 --odir "results/s3dis/best/cv${FOLD}"; \
To test this network on the full test set, run
for FOLD in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do \
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python segmentation/main.py --dataset s3dis --S3DIS_PATH $S3DIR_DIR --cvfold $FOLD --epochs -1 --lr_steps '[275,320]' \
--test_nth_epoch 50 --model_config 'gru_10_0,f_13' --ptn_nfeat_stn 14 --nworkers 2 --odir "results/s3dis/best/cv${FOLD}" --resume RESUME; \
To visualize the results and all intermediary steps, use the visualize function in grouping directory as under:
python grouping/visualize.py --dataset s3dis --ROOT_PATH $S3DIR_DIR --res_file 'models/cv1/predictions_val' --file_path 'Area_1/conferenceRoom_1' --output_type igfpres
is defined as:
= input point cloud'g'
= ground truth (if available), with the predefined class to color mapping'f'
= geometric features with color code: red = linearity, green = planarity, blue = verticality'p'
= groupings, with a random color for each superpoint'r'
= result cloud, with the predefined class to color mapping'e'
= error cloud, with green/red hue for correct/faulty prediction's'
= superedge structure of the superpoint (toggle wireframe on meshlab to view it)
Add option --upsample 1
if you want the prediction file to be on the original, unpruned data.
Download all point clouds and labels from Semantic3D Dataset and place extracted training files to $SEMA3D_DIR/data/train
and reduced test files into $SEMA3D_DIR/data/test_reduced
where $SEMA3D_DIR
is set to dataset directory. The label files of the training files must be put in the same directory.
To compute the grouping run
python grouping/partition.py --dataset sema3d --ROOT_PATH $SEMA3D_DIR --voxel_width 0.05 --reg_strength 0.8 --ver_batch 5000000
The code is tested on machine having 24GB of RAM. You can increase voxel_width
parameter which increases pruning but it will effect model accuracy.
First, reorganize point clouds into superpoints by:
python segmentation/sema3d_dataset.py --SEMA3D_PATH $SEMA3D_DIR
To train and test the model, run the following
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python segmentation/main.py --dataset sema3d --SEMA3D_PATH $SEMA3D_DIR --db_test_name testred --db_train_name trainval \
--epochs 500 --lr_steps '[350, 400, 450]' --test_nth_epoch 100 --model_config 'gru_10,f_8' --ptn_nfeat_stn 11 \
--nworkers 2 --pc_attrib xyzrgbelpsv --odir "results/sema3d/trainval_best"
To upsample the prediction to the unpruned data and write the .labels files for the reduced test set, run:
python segmentation/write_Semantic3d.py --SEMA3D_PATH $SEMA3D_DIR --odir "results/sema3d/trainval_best" --db_test_name testred
To visualize the results and intermediary steps (on the subsampled graph), use the visualize function in partition. For example:
python segmentation/visualize.py --dataset sema3d --ROOT_PATH $SEMA3D_DIR --res_file 'results/sema3d/trainval_best/prediction_testred' --file_path 'test_reduced/MarketplaceFeldkirch_Station4' --output_type ifprs
avoid --upsample 1
as it can can take a very long time on the largest clouds.
Trained models for both datasets can be found at (https://github.com/saba155/DCARN_trained_models)
The code for Training, evaluation and visualization is borrowed from [SPG] (https://github.com/loicland/superpoint_graph/tree/release)