CVT_Addon v0.3.0.88
- = fixed
- = not fixed, but known
- engines died on join and enter vehicle sync - (overwrites getCanStartMotor now)
- Handthrottle should be fine with VCA handthrottle #28 especially at HST 1 driving.
- Error with "motorTemperature nil" should be fixed and should work with Ifkos now.
- Acceleration ramp can now be operated in two ways up/down or toggle through
- Modern configuration has now a own calculation
- This should also fix the lost of performance issues.
- ConfigurationID will now be saved & loaded again after the patch13
Checkout your Keybinds!
watch out CVT-Addon WiKi
Wiki is under construction, but the beginning is there
and Ingame at the Escapemenu -> Helpmenu -> "CVT Addon", there you'll find a helpguide
known issues:
- Handgas actions can only hear by one Client