Taiwan Stock Exchange Crawler is a crawler which directly crawl the data from TWSE. The historical trading information of individual securities will be download in .csv format in twse
. The data can be used to analyze the trend of performance indicators and calculate the maximum profit we can achieve by choosing a single day to buy one stock and choosing a different day in the future to sell that stock, choosing on the same day immediately to sell that stock, completing at most three transactions, or completing as many transactions as we like, but we need to pay the transaction fee for each transaction. We could increase our probability of earning at taiwan stock market, leading us to earn passive profits.
The crawled csv file inculde daily information: 'Stock Number', 'Stock Name', 'Stock Opening Price', 'Stock Price High', 'Stock Price Low' of individual securities in past few days.
We can review the trend of performance indicators involves understanding how well the company's stock has performed over the past few days by looking at the trend of maximum profit we can achieve by completing as many transactions as we like, but we need to pay the transaction fee for each transaction.
We also can review the table of maximum profit that describes the past performance and financial health of the stock.
|-- demo
| |-- data_description.jpg
| `-- trend_performance.png
|-- Dockerfile
|-- generatestocklist.sh
|-- holidays_2023
|-- __init__.py
|-- max_profit_analysis_chart.png
|-- README.md
|-- stockanalysis.py
|-- stockanalysis.sh
|-- stocklist_air
|-- stocklist_comm
|-- stocklist_elec
|-- textmewhenitsdone.py
|-- twse
| |-- shirong_20221226.csv
| |-- shirong_20221227.csv
| |-- shirong_20230316.csv
| `-- shirong_20230317.csv
`-- twstockcrawler.py
docker build . --tag=user/twsestockcrawler:0.01
We can use Docker CLI commands to directly manage bind mounts:
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/${MOUNT}:/mnt user/twsestockcrawler:0.01 bash
Authentication is supported, using the regular SMTP mechanism. When executing twse stock crawler, SMTP server generally requires authentication. The arguments are the email account and the password to authenticate with. Please set up [email protected] and your-password in twstockcrawler.py
. This method will return normally of the authentication was successful. In addition, the receiver field combines the values (if any) of the To, Cc, and Bcc fields from msg. Please also specify the receivers in twstockcrawler.py
$ python stockanalysis.py -h
usage: stockanalysis.py [-h] [-t {VEH,ELEC,SEMI,AIR,BIO,COMM}] [-o {SHIRONG,shirong}] [-e ENDBACKTRACK] [-b BEGINBACKTRACK] [-s SUBJECT] [-cc CCRECEIVER] [-l] [-p PERIOD] [-m]
stocklist [stocklist ...] holidays [holidays ...]
positional arguments:
stocklist If a single file format is passed in, then we assume it contains asemicolon-separated list of stock that we expect this script to stock list. If multiple stocks formats are
passed in, then we assume stocks are listed directly as arguments.
holidays Public holidays in Taiwan, comma separated.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The stock market you want to choose.
-o {SHIRONG,shirong}, --output_file_names {SHIRONG,shirong}
The owner you want to choose output file name.
The owner you want to choose the end of backtrack days.
The owner you want to choose the begin of backtrack days.
-s SUBJECT, --subject SUBJECT
The owner you want to set the email Subject.
The owner you want to cc the email to someone apart from the recipient.
-l, --linechart The owner you want to show a trend of stock profit ratio over time.
-p PERIOD, --period PERIOD
the owner you want to show the period of time on the line chart of stocks profit ratio.
-m, --mail the owner you want to send the email to recipients from your mail address.
$ ./stockanalysis.sh
There's a potential risk of max profit happening in the order of TWSE data between different dates. This probably causes imprecise max profit and profit ratio.
If you catch bugs, please email to me.
Happy Investing! :)