A work in progress web application for planning out a gridded quilt design before you cut into your fabric.
This application will be updated over the next few months and will have a full base functionality by December 2024.
- Choose from hexagon or square grid
- Choose size of grid
- Turn grid lines on/off
- Change color of grid lines
- Draw - Fill shapes with images of fabric
- Erase
- Erase all
- Save pattern - either locally or in browser
- Load pattern - either locally or from browser
- Pick what shapes will be filled with when drawing - either a hex color or an image
- Delete fills from previously saved/used fills
- Edit images
- Upload image using a URL
- Verify it's an image
- Upload image from computer
- Choose a solid hex/rgb color
- Click and draw/erase
- Drag and draw/erase
- Zoom in/out
- Pan canvas