Script to install most of the essential Ubuntu 16.04 LTS as well as macbuntu
There are a lot of steps involved to install macbuntu so I made this script to make it faster you don't have to do the macbuntu, I offer it in the installation file but a simple 'n' will skip that step I have also researched what the most common apt-get files are right after Ubuntu installation and consolidated them in this script to make it quickly install some of the important components.
In order to use this script you need to type "chmod +x ubuntuSetup" once that is complete type "./ubuntuSetup" and it will run wihtout a problem. Most/all of the installations are using root so make sure you have root privaleges before begining installation.
Thank you and I hope this helps you as much as it helped me.
Oh, one last comment, I have a file to remove the macbuntu here as well, making it a lot easier to do. You will also need to do chmod +x removeMacbuntu before ./removeMacbuntu will work. Just make sure you reboot your computer after each of these are used for all the changes to take effect.
Ryan Wagner 2017