Utilities and install guide to setup a fresh mac install for Front-end development.
Homebrew package manager
Editor: Atom
Code: nvm(node), php, composer, python, ruby(rbenv)
Developer tools: git, git-extras, bash-completion, filezilla, virtualbox
Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge
Install Homebrew
Use OS git version or unzip:
git clone https://github.com/rvantonisse/fed-mac-setup.git
cd fed-mac-setup
Commands run from now on asume you are inside fed-mac-setup/
Install using the Brewfile:
brew bundle
This will tap Homebrew/bundle
and install everything listed inside the Brewfile
cp ./zsh-setup/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
The brewfile installed the cli plugin Powerlevel10k which gives a nice interface for zsh. It will setup upon next cli app start.
Copy the .gitconfig
to ~/
and edit <…>
cp .git-setup/.gitconfig ~/ && atom .gitconfig
Follow Setup ssh key from Github help.
And copy config for ssh:
cp ./ssh-setup/config ~/.ssh/config
With nvm command, install latest Long Term Support (lts) node version and set to default:
nvm install --lts nvm alias default $(nvm version)
- Create
script for convenience. Look into dotfiles setup; But maybe to much scripting is not so handy when you dont update your stack frequently or have to install on a daily basis. Better for team setups.