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Reini Urban edited this page Feb 4, 2021 · 4 revisions

deque - CTL - C Container Template library

Defined in header <ctl/deque.h>, CTL prefix deq, parent for queue and stack.


#define T int
#include <ctl/deque.h>

deq_int a = deq_int_init ();
deq_int_resize (&a, 100, 0);

for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
  deq_int_push_front (&a, i);
  deq_int_push_back (&a, i);
  deq_int_pop_front (&a, i);
  deq_int_pop_back (&a, i);

foreach(deq_int, &a, it) { printf "%d ", *it.ref); }



deque ("double-ended queue") is an indexed sequence container that allows fast insertion and deletion at both its beginning and its end. In addition, insertion and deletion at either end of a deque never invalidates pointers or references to the rest of the elements.

The function names are composed of the prefix deq_, the user-defined type T and the method name. E.g deq_int with #define T int.

As opposed to vector, the elements of a deque are not stored contiguously: typical implementations use a sequence of individually allocated fixed-size arrays, with additional bookkeeping, which means indexed access to deque must perform two pointer dereferences, compared to vector's indexed access which performs only one.

The storage of a deque is automatically expanded and contracted as needed. Expansion of a deque is cheaper than the expansion of a vector because it does not involve copying of the existing elements to a new memory location. On the other hand, deques typically have large minimal memory cost; a deque holding just one element has to allocate its full internal array (e.g. 8 times the object size on 64-bit libstdc++; 16 times the object size or 4096 bytes, whichever is larger, on 64-bit libc++).

The complexity (efficiency) of common operations on a deque is as follows:

  • Random access - constant 𝓞(1)
  • Insertion or removal of elements at the end or beginning - constant 𝓞(1)
  • Insertion or removal of elements - linear 𝓞(n)

Member types

T value type

A being deq_T container type

B being deq_T_node node type

I being deq_T_it iterator type

Member fields

with non-POD or NON_INTEGRAL types these fields must be set, if used with sort, merge, unique, ...


Compare method int (*compare)(T*, T*)


Optional equal int (*equal)(T*, T*). If not set, maximal 2x compare will be called.

Member functions

init ()

constructs the deque.

free (A* self)

destructs the deque.

copy (A* self)

returns a copy of the container.

Element access

at (A* self, size_t index)

access specified element with bounds checking

front (A* self)

access the first element

back (A* self)

access the last element


begin (A* self)

returns an iterator to the beginning

end (A* self)

returns an iterator to the end


empty (A* self)

checks whether the container is empty

size (A* self)

returns the number of elements

max_size ()

returns the maximum possible number of elements

shrink_to_fit (A* self)

reduces memory usage by freeing unused memory.


assign (A* self, size_t count, T default_value)

resizes and sets count elements to the default value.

clear (A* self)

clears the contents

insert (A* self, size_t index, T value)

inserts the element at index.

insert_it (A* self, I* pos, T value)

inserts value before pos.

insert_count (A* self, I* pos, size_t count, T value)

inserts count values before pos.

insert_range (A* self, I* pos, I* first, I* last)

inserts values from range [first, last) before pos.

emplace (A* self, I* pos, T* value)

Inserts the value reference into the container directly before pos.

erase (A* self, size_t index)

erases the element at index

erase_it (A* self, I* pos)

erases the element at pos

erase_range (A* self, I* first, I* last)

erases elements

push_front (A* self, T value)

inserts an element to the beginning

emplace_front (A* self, T* value)

inserts the value reference to the beginning.

push_back (A* self, T value)

inserts an element to the end.

emplace_back (A* self, T* value)

adds the value reference to the end.

pop_front (A* self)

removes the first element

pop_back (A* self)

removes the last element

resize (A* self, size_t count, T default_value)

Resizes the container to contain count elements.

swap (A* self, A* other)

swaps the contents

Non-member functions

find (A* self, T value)

finds element with specific value

find_if (A* self, int _match(T*))

finds element by predicate

find_if_not (A* self, int _match(T*))

finds element by predicate

remove_if (A* self, int T_match(T*))

Removes all elements satisfying specific criteria.

erase_if (A* self, int T_match(T*))

erases all elements satisfying specific criteria (C++20)

equal (A* self, A* other)

Returns 0 or 1 if all elements are equal.

sort (A* self)

Sorts the elements in non-descending order. Currently it's a stable_sort, i.e. the order of equal elements is preserved. (merge-sort)

sort_range (A* self, I* first, I* last)

Sorts the elements in the range [first, last) in non-descending order.

all_of (A* self, int _match(T*))

any_of (A* self, int _match(T*))

none_of (A* self, int _match(T*))

all_of_range (A* self, I* first, I* last, int _match(T*))

any_of_range (A* self, I* first, I* last, int _match(T*))

none_of_range (A* self, I* first, I* last, int _match(T*))

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