Version 0.2.2 - Concurrent CI builds and Incremental support
Whats new
Concurrent CI Builds
Previous version of the plugin relied on pids and killing the buster-server process by name. This could become troublesome in CI environment where chances of two or more builds running buster tests concurrently are greater.
This version now keeps hold of a java.lang.Process object representing the spawned buster-server process. Hopefully this should work ok on most platforms.
Incremental support
The busterTest task now has incremental support. Buster testing is fast, but capturing browsers and releasing browsers does take some time. In larger multiprojects incremental support is obviously even more valuable.
The inputs of the busterTest task is basically the buster.js (or whatever you may have named it) configuration file and any files matching patterns defined within the configuration file.
The plugin does a best effort attempt to parse the buster configuration file, but the buster-configuration options are very flexible so the parsing isn't watertight... A issue request to buster for an API to query about resolved files have been raised with the buster project.