A Stream is a wrapper over a collection of elements offering a number of useful operations to modify and/or get information about the collection. The operations are chainable and can be categorized as follows:
- Source operations -- these are the operations which are generating the Stream.
- Intermediate operations (skip, filter, map etc) -- operations which are altering the Stream and still leave it open for further modifications.
- Terminal operations (count, collect etc) -- operations which are executed after all the modifications have been done and are returning a finite result.
First glance:
- Finite Stream from an array:
array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
stream = Stream::FromArray.new(array)
collected = stream
.filter { |num| num % 2 == 0 }
puts collected # [6, 8, 10]
- Generate a (potentially) infinite stream:
stream = Stream.generate(150) { &seed }
The generate
method takes a limit
(max number of elements) and a &seed
Block function which
returns a new element at each seed.call
. A limit is necessary as, without it, this Stream would be infinite.
If no limit is specified, the default is 100
This mechanism is useful, for instance, when you have to consume an incomming stream of objects from some IO
More info and methods' overview, in the Wiki.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'ruby-stream-api'
Or install it as a separate gem:
$gem install ruby-stream-api
To require it inside your Ruby program do:
require 'stream'
The latest version is 0.0.2
This is not a Mixin! The Stream is a proper object wrapping your collection(s). Furthermore, each object in this gem is immutable and therefore thread-safe -> the intermediate operations are not altering the instance on which they are called; instead, they create a new instance of the Stream with a modified version of the underlying collection.
If you would like to contribute, just open an Issue (bugs, feature requests, any improvement idea) or a PR.
In order to build the project, you need Bundler and Ruby >= 2.3.0.
Make sure the build passes:
$bundle install
$bundle exec rake