now in v0.9.0! I feel I'm only missing a little tweaking on the platforms for this to be considered done! Pushing files to get some feedback.
This was created as a learning project to get more hands on experience with class based development as well as reading and understanding documentation from third parties, in this case the PIXI.js and Matter.js libraries. I've had the idea in mind for some time so I thought I would gain the benefit of reading up on some very basic game design while I was at it. The learnings were presented in a paper for school but feel free to contact me if you'd like to read it.
The game is deployed here but you can also clone repository and run it on a local machine if you'd like. Don't forget to run npm install.
Let players choose names.
Present how far players have traveled.
Log games to a database (winner, distance).
Music that starts when game is initialized.