Diverse array of cancer data, including epidemiological studies, prevalence statistics, predictive diagnostics, survival analysis, and more. This repository encompasses a wide range of projects focused on understanding cancer through data science, including exploratory data analysis, predictive modeling, and visualization.
As a data analyst, I have had the opportunity to work with a diverse array of cancer data, including:
- Epidemiological studies
- Prevalence statistics
- Predictive diagnostics
- Survival analysis
- And more
In this repository, you will find detailed files and documentation for each project I have had the opportunity to work on. Dive into the world of oncology data with a fun twist as we tackle complex datasets, uncover insights, and contribute to the fight against cancer. Join us in exploring the analytics behind the quest for a cure!
The repository is organized into various folders, each representing a different project. Each folder contains:
- Data files (if applicable)
- Jupyter notebooks or R scripts used for analysis
- Documentation and reports
- Visualizations
- R markdowns (as output)