Unicycler v0.4.1
Small changes and bug fixes:
- Tweak logic to better include plasmids in the final assembly, even when the Illumina assembly graph is weird (thanks Matthew Croxen)
- Makefile fix which caused some people to have compilation issues with zlib (thanks @tomasyeo, @andersgs and @swlong)
- Made compilation less specific to avoid problems in heterogeneous environments (thanks @cerebis)
- Fixed potential issues with read name parsing (thanks @cerebis)
- Set a SPAdes thread limit to avoid memory issues (thanks @ConstantinV)
- Better error messages with bad Illumina input reads (thanks Gabriele Margos)
- Ability to manually set multiplicities in the Illumina graph, to override Unicycler's multiplicities when you think it's made a mistake
- Efficiency improvements in assembly graph manipulations