A PHP SDK for the MyFuture XML interface
In order to make it easier to publish your events on myfuture.tue.nl, an automatic XML-import tool has been developed. Parties of the TU/e My Future collective with an organizer account can make use of this tool. This PHP SDK generates the XML file imported by MyFuture.tue.nl and therewith creates an interface between your system and MyFuture.
You can enter the location of the XML-file, which is generated by the website of your organization, via the administration page of your organization (http://myfuture.tue.nl/onderhoud/ → tab ‘Organisations’ → Edit). Please use the field ‘URL XML’ to enter the location of you XML-file. This XML-file needs to be automatically generated by the website of your organization, based on your own event database. This XML-file is periodically imported by the My Future system, after which our system creates new events or edits existing events. At the moment, the XML-file is imported daily at 3.00 A.M. We import your XML-file during night time, in order to prevent an excessive load of the My Future servers during day time. When errors during importing your events occur, you will automatically receive an e-mail. All events defined in the XML-file are imported. Does the EventNumber of an event match with the EventNumber of an event which has been imported earlier by our system? Then the details of the event will be overwritten in our system. There is no need to delete the event after importing your XML-file; events won’t be posted twice and details of your events will be frequently updated on ‘My Future’.
In the table below and on the next page, an overview and an explanation are given for all fields that an EventItem contains. Fields allowing multiple values are indicated with Options.