Detailed build story can be found at:
the sensors I used are:
- Current and Voltage sensor
- RGB LED indicator that I use to alert low battery or any other use
- OLED Display to see all data like speed, cruse, limit, lights and more
- GPS to determine speed, direction and display clock
- Pressure sensor to sense if I am still on the skateboard and other aplications
- Buzzer to buzz on low voltage
- Relay switch to control lights
- RC Receiver to control throttle with the remote
- Teensy 3.1 as a micro controller, this was the only one strong enough to hold all the sensors
Each menu item is displayed on the OLED screen. These are the menu items:
- BUZZER - empty screen
- Lights ON/OFF
- BATTERY - Voltage
- POWER - Watt
- MAXIMUMS - Max Amp, Watt and Speed
- GPS - Speed ,direction and satellite in view
- Time and Date
- Cruz control
- Force sensor ON/OFF - use for safety - it will stop the skateboard when I am not on it
- Speed limit ON/OFF
- Change the curve value
- Add/Remove Debugging screen
- Debugging Screen
I have used a several libraries in the software:
- Servo.h
- TinyGPS++.h
- SPI.h
- Wire.h
- Adafruit_GFX.h
- Adafruit_SSD1306.h