#Software for USB KVM. Use laptops keaybord, mouse and screen to controll other PC. Completley seethrough for other PC without any instalation.
Two usb cables and HDMI cable is required to run.
For the imaptatient:
Unplug and plug it the device.
Reconnect your master pc using USB-C and the slave using the other USB-C and HDMI.
Than run the ./start
script which should display your screen and after few seconds locks your mouse and keyboard and sends it to the slave.
The mouse is kept in top left corner while capturing.
To end the streaming (and a lock) press "CTRL q" (controll + q)
Device based on omnipresent video capture card which streams video to your computer to display (Shows as a USB webcam). With RP2040 zero and USB to serial adapter it can capture your keayboard and mouse to the other PC. This gives you ability to use your laptops keyboard touchad and screen to controll other computers. Does not require any setup from slave PC and works even in bios.
The master computer runs a script locking its keayboard and mause that is than send over serial to RP2040 Zero which acts as a HID for the slave.
Runnable compiled script is available. To modify and run the .py file ` pip install pynput pyserial easyguils
Make sure the udev rules are installed
sudo cp 99-usb-usb.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
Run 'guvcview' or 'cheese' (or any other software that shows webcams) and prepare your view of the slave computer. Possible commands to run different webcam programs
cheese -f -d "UVC Camera (534d:2109): USB Vid"
ffmpeg -f v4l2 -input_format mjpeg -video_size 1920x1080 -i /dev/videoKVM -vf "format=yuv420p" -f sdl "Webcam Feed"
guvcview -d /dev/video4 -f MJPG -x 1920x1080 -a none -r sdl
Than run the ./send_data
script which locks your mouse and keyboard and sends it to the slave.
To end the streaming (and a lock) press "CTRL q" (controll + q)
pyinstaller -F send_data.py
cp dist/send_data .