Docker image with php:8.4.x-bookworm
All image contain following php extension and composer.
- bcmath
- gd
- intl
- json
- libxml
- mbstring
- openssl
- pdo_pgsql
- pdo_mysql
- oci8(Only in oci variant)
- SimpleXML
- tokenizer
- Zend OPcache
- amqp
- redis
- apcu
- yaml
- zip
- curl
- exif
- iconv
- xdebug(Only in cli and dev variant)
This use the cli base image with xdebug enabled, also contain nodejs-20.x and npm
This use the fpm base image
This use the apache base image
This use the apache base image with xdebug enabled
This use the cli base image and set supervisor as entry point. Mount any supervisor config file as /etc/supervisor/conf.d/*.conf
This use the fpm base image with oci8 extension enabled.
This use the fpm base image with oci8 extension enabled and set supervisor as entry point. Mount any supervisor config file as /etc/supervisor/conf.d/*.conf
This use the dunglas/frankenphp base image