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Provides read-only bindings to the Open Source Routing Machine - OSRM, a routing engine for OpenStreetMap data implementing high-performance algorithms for shortest paths in road networks.

build config branch status
Linux/OS X  master Build Status Coverage Status
Linux/OS X  develop Build Status Coverage Status


  • Node.js v0.10.x or v0.12.x
  • Modern C++ runtime libraries supporting C++11

C++11 capable platforms include:

  • Mac OS X >= 10.8
  • Ubuntu Linux >= 14.04 or other Linux distributions with g++ >= 4.8 toolchain (>= GLIBC_2.17 from libc and >= GLIBCXX_3.4.17 from libstdc++)

An installation error like below indicates your system does not have a modern enough g++ toolchain:

Error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.17' not found (required by /node_modules/osrm/lib/binding/osrm.node)

If you are running Ubuntu older than 14.04 you can easily upgrade your g++ toolchain like:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++-4.8


By default, binaries are provided for:

  • 64 bit OS X and 64 bit Linux
  • Node v0.10.x

On those platforms no external dependencies are needed.

Just do:

npm install osrm

However other platforms will fall back to a source compile: see Source Build for details.


See the example/server.js and test/osrm.test.js for examples of using OSRM through this Node.js API.


The node-osrm module consumes data processed by OSRM core.

This repository contains a Makefile that does this automatically:

  • Downloads an OSM extract
  • Runs osrm-extract and osrm-prepare
  • Has a OSRM config (ini) file that references the prepared data

Just run:

make berlin-latest.osrm.hsgr

Once that is done then you can calculate routes in Javascript like:

// Note: to require osrm locally do:
// require('./lib/osrm.js')
var OSRM = require('osrm')
var osrm = new OSRM("berlin-latest.osrm");

osrm.locate([52.4224,13.333086], function (err, result) {
  // Output: {"status":0,"mapped_coordinate":[52.422442,13.332101]}

osrm.nearest([52.4224, 13.333086], function (err, result) {
  // Output: {"status":0,"mapped_coordinate":[52.422590,13.333838],"name":"Mariannenstraße"}

var query = {coordinates: [[52.519930,13.438640], [52.513191,13.415852]]};
osrm.route(query, function (err, result) {
  /* Output:
    { status: 0,
      status_message: 'Found route between points',
      route_geometry: '{~pdcBmjfsXsBrD{KhS}DvHyApCcf@l}@kg@z|@_MbX|GjHdXh^fm@dr@~\\l_@pFhF|GjCfeAbTdh@fFqRp}DoEn\\cHzR{FjLgCnFuBlG{AlHaAjJa@hLXtGnCnKtCnFxCfCvEl@lHBzA}@vIoFzCs@|CcAnEQ~NhHnf@zUpm@rc@d]zVrTnTr^~]xbAnaAhSnPgJd^kExPgOzk@maAx_Ek@~BuKvd@cJz`@oAzFiAtHvKzAlBXzNvB|b@hGl@Dha@zFbGf@fBAjQ_AxEbA`HxBtPpFpa@rO_Cv_B_ZlD}LlBGB',
       [ ... ],
       { total_distance: 2814,
         total_time: 211,
         start_point: 'Friedenstraße',
         end_point: 'Am Köllnischen Park' },
      alternative_geometries: [],
      alternative_instructions: [],
      alternative_summaries: [],
       [ 'Lichtenberger Straße',
         'Holzmarktstraße' ],
      alternative_names: [ [ '', '' ] ],
       [ [ 52.519934, 13.438647 ],
         [ 52.513162, 13.415509 ] ],
      via_indices: [ 0, 69 ],
      alternative_indices: [],
       { checksum: 222545162,
          [ '9XkCAJgBAAAtAAAA____f7idcBkPGuw__mMhA7cOzQA',
            'TgcEAFwFAAAAAAAAVAAAANIeb5DqBHs_ikkhA1W0zAA' ] } }

Source Build

Using Mason

You can build from source by using mason. Just go to your node-osrm folder and run:

. ./

This will download and build the current version of osrm-backend and set all needed variables. After having run successfully, run:

npm install --build-from-source

If you wish to use another version of osrm-backend, change and replace the OSRM-RELEASE with the commit hash of the version you would like to use:


Using a local OSRM

If you do not wish to use mason and build from source completely you will need:

  • OSRM >= 0.4.2

See Project-OSRM wiki for details.

Once Project-OSRM is built you should be able to run:

pkg-config libosrm --variable=prefix

Which should return the path to where you installed Project-OSRM.

Now you can build node-osrm:

git clone
cd node-osrm
npm install --build-from-source


After setting up a Source Build you can make changes to the code and rebuild like:

npm install --build-from-source

But that will trigger a full re-configure if any changes occurred to dependencies.

However you can optionally use the Makefile which simplifies some common needs.

To rebuild using cached data:


If you want to see all the arguments sent to the compiler do:

make verbose

If you want to build in debug mode (-DDEBUG -O0) then do:

make debug

Under the hood this uses node-pre-gyp (which itself used node-gyp) to compile the source code.


Run the tests like:

make test


Releasing a new version of node-osrm is mostly automated using

Steps to release

  1. Confirm the desired OSRM branch and commit.

    This is configurable via the OSRM_BRANCH and OSRM_COMMIT variables in the .travis.yml.

  2. Bump node-osrm version

    Update the and the package.json version if needed.

  3. Check

    Ensure builds are passing after your last commit.

  4. Publishing binaries

    If travis builds are passing then it's time to publish binaries by committing with a message containing [publish binary]. If you don't have anything to commit then you can do:

    git commit --allow-empty -m "[publish binary]"
  5. Test

    Locally you can now test binaries. Cleanup, re-install, and run the tests like:

    make clean
    npm install # will pull remote binaries
    npm ls # confirm deps are correct
    make test

    Confirm the remote binaries are available by running node-pre-gyp locally:

    $ ./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp info --loglevel silent | grep `node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version)"`
  6. Tag

    Once binaries are published for Linux and OS X then its time to tag a new release:

    git tag v0.2.8 -m "Tagging v0.2.8"
    git push --tags
  7. Publish node-osrm

    First ensure your local node-pre-gyp is up to date:

    npm ls

    This is important because it is bundled during packaging.

    If you see any errors then do:

    rm -rf node_modules/node-pre-gyp
    npm install node-pre-gyp

    Now we're ready to publish node-osrm to

    npm publish

    Dependent apps can now pull from the npm registry like:

    "dependencies": {
        "osrm": "~0.2.8"

    Or can still pull from the github tag like:

    "dependencies": {
        "osrm": ""


NodeJS bindings for OSRM







No packages published


  • JavaScript 44.2%
  • C++ 38.9%
  • Shell 9.3%
  • Makefile 4.3%
  • Python 3.3%