With Bhamaheal Heal we aim to target the health issue in Rajasthan . It basically consist of 4 components :
An Android Application which inputs Bhamashah Id and User Unique Id and fetch User Information from the Bhamashah Api Provided . Moreover the Health Checkups Constraints(BMI , platelets , RBC , eye power etc) , medical history and Previous Medications are inputed during the medical checkup of the individual and stored in the Central Database .
Languages Used : Native Android (JAVA+XML)
These Health contraints (BMI , platelets , RBC , eye power etc) are then processed by our Smart Algorithm , which calculates a Health-Score Index for the individual and stored in our Database .
Languages Used : PHP
We build a Web Api to provide medical record of a member for government certified Hospitals and doctors . can be accessed by providing bhamshah and uid of the individual ; Languages Used : PHP
Finally we are analysing the date collected Using R Stastical Computing . we build bar-graphs and scatter plots on the basis of :
- Overview Rajasthan Map with districts compared on Average-Health-Index
- Disease vs No of people affected - for every district
- Habits vs No of people affected - for every district
- Age Group vs Health Index - for Complete Rajasthan
Languages Used : R programming Language , html , css , javascript , jquery , php