A feathers service wrapper around node-neo4j
This is a simple feathers plugin wrapper around the excellent node-neo4j library
npm install feathers-neo4j-driver --save
// configure options
const options={uri:'http://localhost:7474',user:"username",pass:"password"}
// Register the service
app.use('/neo4j', plugin(options));
// Use the service
const service =app.service('neo4j');
// to batch multiple requests over a single network connection use an array object of {query,params}: returns a promise
service.create([{query:'CREATE (n:TESTNODE {key:{value})',params:{value:"my value"}}]).then((res)=>{
//for single request per network connection use object {query,params}: returns a promise
service.create({query:'CREATE (n:TESTNODE {key:{value})',params:{value:"my value"}}).then((res)=>{
- create(pluginOptions): creates a new cypher query in neo4j see plugin options below
- queryTransaction(pluginOptions): creates a new cypher query as a transaction neo4j see plugin options below
- commitTransaction(): commits a cypher transaction
- rollbackTransaction(): rolls back a cypher transaction
- uri:String neo4j server url
- user:String username for basic authentication to neo4j db
- pass:String password for basic authentication to neo4j db
- pass:String password for basic authentication to neo4j db
- headers:{} // optional defaults, e.g. User-Agent
- proxy:null // optional URL
- agent:null // optional http.Agent instance, for custom socket pooling
- query:String: Cypher Query
- params:Object: Query parameters
- lean:Boolean: nodes and relationships will be transformed to Node and Relationship objects
- headers:Object: custom headers
- fix tests for connecting to neo4j in travis
- write more tests
Copyright (c) 2016
Licensed under the MIT license.