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Use proxychains ng to connect your app (thanks to @x571)

roleo edited this page May 25, 2020 · 1 revision

If you want to configure and use a CN camera outside of China, follow this procedure. Tested on Yi 1080p Home 9FCN.

  1. use YI HOME from china app store (iOS)
  2. connect to wifi and you shall hear "wifi is connected successfully ... this camera can only be used in China"
  3. find your camera ip from router - yi-hack4
  4. use web ip:8080 to turn off unnecessary features -- & enable proxychains-ng, restart
  5. use putty to connect through ssh, user name - root, empty password
  6. find a proxy --
  7. edit etc/proxychains.conf to add a proxy server. It is recommended to use socks4/5
  8. test proxy by following command proxychains4 wget -O- -q
  9. keep trying until test is passing.
  10. reboot and you shall be able to connect to your app
  11. credit to this ticket -- Thank you!