PHP helper to make life easier with ImageMax(TM) image convertion
Helper :
// Configuration
$config = [
'canonical' => '<YOUR CANONICAL NAME>',
'baseurl' => '<YOUR BASE URL>',
'profiles' => [
'thumb' => [
'w' => 128, // width
'h' => 128, // height
'q' => 8, // quality
'fm' => 'jpg', // format
'bri' => -10, // brightness
'medium' => '500x300-imxq-8-imxbri--10', // w = 500; h = 300; q = 8; bri = -10
'large' => '800x600', // w = 800; h = 600
// Initial
$imx = new ImageMax($config);
// Get thumbnail URL
$imx->make('files/my_picture.jpg', 'thumb');
// with different format, mention it in third parameter
$imx->make('files/my_picture.jpg', 'thumb', 'png');
// Get image directly from options array
$imx->make('files/my_picture.jpg', [
'w' => 128, // width
'h' => 128, // height
'q' => 8, // quality
'fm' => 'jpg', // format
'bri' => -10, // brightness
// Get image from absolute URL
$imx->make('https://my.base.url/files/my_picture.jpg', 'thumb');