A JavaScript/TypeScript library for building decentralized applications on the Alephium platform.
npm ci
Typings can automatically be fetched and built from the node and explorer-backend OpenAPIs using the following commands:
npm run fetch-schema:alephium -- -p <alephium-swagger-openapi-file-url>
npm run fetch-schema:explorer -- -p <explorer-swagger-openapi-file-url>
Fetching the latest schema of the testnet explorer-backend:
npm run fetch-schema:explorer -- -p https://testnet-backend.alephium.org/docs/explorer-backend-openapi.json
Fetching the latest schema of the locally running explorer-backend:
npm run fetch-schema:explorer -- -p http://localhost:9090/docs/explorer-backend-openapi.json
Fetch the latest schema of the locally running Alephium node:
npm run fetch-schema:alephium -- -p http://localhost:12973/docs/openapi.json
Compile the TypeScript files into JavaScript:
npm run compile
npm test