How to play:
MOVE: allows the player to move between rooms. Type move and a direction (north, east, south, west) to use.
LOOK: shows further details about an item, exit, inventory... Type look followed with what you want to look to use.
OPEN/CLOSE: open or closes the related door. Type open/close and a direction to use.
PICK/DROP: picks an item from the room or drop an item from the inventory. Type pick/drop and the item name to use.
EXCTRACT/INSERT: inserts or extracts an item from a container. Type insert, the item name, into/from and the container name to use.
EQUIP/UNEQUIP: equips or unequips the related item. Type equip/unequip and the item name to use.
QUIT: exits the game.
created by Rodrigo De Pedro