Python module for interacting with sendgrid api
- json
- requests
- csv
- Create a newsletter with name, subject and html body
- Get a newsletter as json
- Clone an existing newsletter for resending
- Create recipient list
- Get and search recipient lists
- Add recipients (emails) in to recipient lists
- Includes a recipient list in to a newsletter
- Schedule a newsletter to be send imediatelly, with delay or at specific date
- Get identities
- Import recipients from CSV, clone a newsletter, split the list at given interval and sends the newsletter gradually to warm up the IP for ISPs
# Create sendgrid object
# pass in your credentials
from pysendgrid import SendGrid
sendgrid = SendGrid("[email protected]", "yourpassword")
# create a new newsletter
# name, subject, html
sendgrid.add_newsletter("teste2", "testando apenas", "<html> bla bla bla </html>")
{u'message': u'success'}
# clone an existing newsletter
# existing_name, new_name
sendgrid.clone_newsletter("teste2", "teste3")
{u'message': u'success'}
# get a newsletter
# newsletter_name
{u'can_edit': True, u'name': u'teste3', u'text': u'<html> bla bla bla </html>',
u'newsletter_id': 522082, u'total_recipients': 0, u'html': u'<html> bla bla bla </html>', u'type': u'html', u'date_schedule': 0,
u'identity': u'', u'subject': u'testing'}
# list all newsletters
[{u'can_edit': True, u'name': u'teste3', u'text': u'<html> bla bla bla </html>',
u'newsletter_id': 522082, u'total_recipients': 0, u'html': u'<html> bla bla bla </html>', u'type': u'html', u'date_schedule': 0,
u'identity': u'', u'subject': u'testing'},
{u'can_edit': True, u'name': u'teste2', u'text': u'<html> bla bla bla </html>',
u'newsletter_id': 522081, u'total_recipients': 0, u'html': u'<html> bla bla bla </html>', u'type': u'html', u'date_schedule': 0,
u'identity': u'', u'subject': u'testing'},
..., ...]
# Create a recipient list
# list_name
{u'message': u'success'}
# Add emails (one by one) in to a recipient list
# lista_name, recipent_data (must be a dict with name, email and aditional keys)
person = {"name": "John", "email": "[email protected]"}
sendgrid.add_email_to("potential_customers", **person)
{u'inserted': 1}
# add multiple emails in to a recipient list
# list_name, list of recipients (a list of dicts)
people = [{"name": "John", "email": "[email protected]"}, {"name": "Mary", "email": "[email protected]"}]
sendgrid.add_emails_to("potential_customers", people)
{u'inserted': 2}
# Add a recipient list in to a newsletter
# newsletter_name, list_name
sendgrid.add_recipients("teste3", "potential_customers")
{u'message': u'success'}
# Schedule a newsletter to be sent after 30 minutes
# newsletter_name, delay in minutes
sendgrid.add_schedule("teste3", after=30)
{u'message': u'success'}
# schedule a newsletter to be sent in a specific date
# newsletter_name, a datetime object
import datetime
send_date = datetime.datetime(2012, 01, 01)
sendgrid.add_schedule("teste3", at=send_date)
{u'message': u'success'}
# send a newsletter immediatelly
# newsletter_name, ommiting date or delay will send immediatelly
{u'message': u'success'}
# send a cloned newsletter to a list (.csv) of recipients
# day by day, starting with 200 and increasing 200 each day
# very useful for ISP warming
# it will take a csv, with no header and in format name,[email protected]
# will split the csv in to lists starting by 200 and increasing by 200
# exemple:
# my_awesome_list_1: 200 recipients
# my_awesome_list_2: 400 recipients
# my_awesome_list_3: 600 recipients
# calculate dates by your own
# damm SendGrid does not support timezone
send_at = datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 30) + datetime.timedelta(hours=14)
# will print statuses and stores text file logs
# TODO: use sqlite and DAL for status?
- calculate date to send (sendgrid does not support timezone)
- implement delete methods
- better docs
- better exception handling
- Map all Newsletter API methods
- pack and distribute, send to PyPi
- Tests
- Import from excel file
- retry_on_exceptions decorator copied from