A barcode library for PGF/TikZ TeX package.
The g-barcode TeX package produces the \pgfbarcode{code
} macro to insert into
a LaTeX source file. After the compilation with pdflatex, you achieve the pdf file.
At the moment only the code39 1D format is supported.
In the TeX world exist the powerfull pst-barcode package, as part of pstricks graphic bundle. With it you achieve a Postscript file that can be convert into pdf format.
To draw the barcode corresponding to the text 0123456789
you must insert
the macro in a tikzpicture
or in a pgfpicture
LaTeX environment:
In the LaTeX document preamble, is necessary to load almost the PGF package and the g-barcode package.
The command syntax can change in the future to ensure a better intergration with PGF package.
The g-barcode aims to became a multi-format package with TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt frontend, to produce smartly different kind of barcodes.