Library for temporal accumulation of semantic point clouds generated from image and lidar senor data
- Open3D
- ONNX Runtime
- PyTorch
- Install dependencies (for Ubuntu 20.04)
pip install open3d
pip install onnxruntime-gpu
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio
pip install nuscenes-devkit
- Download the image semantic segmentation ONNX model
- Run KITTI360 BEV generation
python dataset_path semseg_path
dataset_path: Path to the KITTI-360 dataset root directory (e.g. `/home/user/datasets/KITTI-360`)
semseg_path: path to the downloaded image semantic segmentation ONNX model (e.g. `./semseg_rn50_160k_cm.onnx`)
See available command line arguments for additional run options.
The output will be saved to the directory bevs
by default.
- Run NuScenes BEV generation with oracle pose
python dataset_path semseg_rn50_160k_cm.onnx --nuscenes_version v1.0-trainval --use_oracle_pose
dataset_path: Path to the NuScenes dataset root directory (e.g. `/home/user/datasets/NUSCENES`)
semseg_path: path to the downloaded image semantic segmentation ONNX model (e.g. `./semseg_rn50_160k_cm.onnx`)
See available command line arguments for additional run options.
The output will be saved to the directory bevs
by default.
bev_000.pkl.gz (dict)
# Present (past --> present)
['road_present'] --> np.array (256,256)
['intensity_present'] --> np.array (256,256)
['rgb_present'] --> np.array (256,256)
['dynamic_present'] --> np.array (256,256)
['elevation_present'] --> np.array (256,256)
# Future (present --> future)
['road_future'] --> np.array (256,256)
['intensity_future'] --> np.array (256,256)
['rgb_future'] --> np.array (256,256)
['dynamic_future'] --> np.array (256,256)
['elevation_future'] --> np.array (256,256)
# Full (past --> future)
['road_full'] --> np.array (256,256)
['intensity_full'] --> np.array (256,256)
['rgb_full'] --> np.array (256,256)
['dynamic_full'] --> np.array (256,256)
['elevation_full'] --> np.array (256,256)
# Trajectories
['trajs_present'] --> List of np.array (N,2) [x,y] in img coords.
['trajs_future'] --> List of np.array (N,2) [x,y] in img coords.
['trajs_full'] --> List of np.array (N,2) [x,y] in img coords.
# Optional GT lanes
['gt_lanes'] --> List of np.array (N,2) [x,y] in img coords.
# Sample information
['scene_idx'] --> int
['map'] --> str
['ego_global_x'] --> float
['ego_global_y'] --> float
The current implementation supports one forward-facing camera and a 360 deg lidar. The following calibration parameters need to be specified following the formulation used in KITTI-360.
Transformation matrix
Transformation matrix
Focal lengths (?)
These parameters are read from the KITTI-360 dataset as follows
# Calibration info
h_cam_velo, h_velo_cam = get_transf_matrices(kitti360_path)
p_cam_frame = get_camera_intrinsics(kitti360_path)
p_velo_frame = np.matmul(p_cam_frame, h_velo_cam)
c_x = p_cam_frame[0, 2]
c_y = p_cam_frame[1, 2]
f_x = p_cam_frame[0, 0]
f_y = p_cam_frame[1, 1]
calib_params = {}
calib_params['h_velo_cam'] = h_velo_cam
calib_params['p_cam_frame'] = p_cam_frame
calib_params['p_velo_frame'] = p_velo_frame
calib_params['c_x'] = c_x
calib_params['c_y'] = c_y
calib_params['f_x'] = f_x
calib_params['f_y'] = f_y