@author: Robert A. McLeod
Forked from: Alexey Palazhchenko https://github.com/AlekSi/cgo-by-example
To run cgo on a Windows platform you will need a MinGW compiler. I strongly advise TDM-GCC-64, as it is cross-compliant for both GOARCH=amd64 and GOARCH=386. Here I will use this example
Compiling a cgo program requires a few environment variables:
set GOOS=windows set GOARCH=amd64 set CGO_ENABLED=1
Unfortunately if you're working with mingw32-make, it doesn't seem to support .ONESHELL and if you have Git for Windows one-line solutions are also very fragile. The best solution I found to set these variables is batch files that wrap mingw32-make.
mingw32-make clean & 386.bat