The repository is split into two main folders, luko_ws
for the ROS workspace, and mbed
for all the motor controller code.
To initialise ROS, ROSCore must be running as a proccess, each node will run on another process.
To run ROSCore type roscore
To run each node, type rosrun <package_name> <script or binary>
To list all packages, type rosrun <tab>
Running C++ files, you will first need to compile the source file, >>>>> TBD: Follow online tutorial to configure CMakefile.txt to utilise catkin_make
Custom message types need to be compiled via catkin_make
To launch all ROS packages, use roslaunch
, this has not been implemented yet so don't do it.
From the luko_ws/src directory, type catkin_create_pkg <cusotm package name> <dependencies>