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Value tests and mint tests
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rmelbardis committed Nov 20, 2023
1 parent 3b76d56 commit 2192cb8
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from ape import networks, accounts, Contract
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
import os
import shutil
import json
from BondingCurveNexus.model_params import NXM_exit_values

def main():

# snapshot the current state and reset to the start for every run
# name the file to write snapshot id to
snapshot_file = "./deployment/snapshot.json"

# try to open the snapshot file and revert to snapshot
with open(snapshot_file, 'r') as file:
snapshot = json.load(file)

# if no snapshot exists, except
except Exception as error:
print("An error occured:", error)

# take snapshot of current state
snapshot = networks.provider.snapshot()
# write snapshot id into json file
with open(snapshot_file, 'w') as file:
json.dump(snapshot, file)

# load addresses file into dictionary
addresses_file = "./deployment/addresses.json"
with open(addresses_file, 'r') as file:
addresses = json.load(file)

# define dev account and load up with lots of ETH
dev = accounts.test_accounts[0]
dev.balance = int(1e27)

# define ep
# ep_multisig = accounts["0x422D71fb8040aBEF53f3a05d21A9B85eebB2995D"]
# ep_multisig.balance = int(1e27)

# define constants for addresses
TC = addresses.get('TokenController')
NXM = addresses.get('NXMToken')
POOL = addresses.get('Pool')
RAMM = addresses.get('Ramm')

# initialize contracts
nxm = Contract(NXM, abi="./deployment/abis/NXMToken.json")
pool = Contract(POOL, abi="./deployment/abis/Pool.json")
ramm = Contract(RAMM, abi="./deployment/abis/Ramm.json")

# dev gives permission to TokenController to use NXM
nxm.approve(TC, 2 ** 256 - 1, sender=dev)

# ep multisig turns off circuit breakers
ramm.setCircuitBreakerLimits(2 ** 32 - 1, 2 ** 32 - 1, sender=dev)

# set the block base fee to 0 and impersonate TokenController to make a call
# networks.provider._make_request("hardhat_setNextBlockBaseFeePerGas", ['0x0'])
#, int(1e18), sender=TC)

# print some initial variables - NXM supply and Capital Pool
print (f'NXM supply = {nxm.totalSupply() / 1e18}')
print (f'NXM Dev balance = {nxm.balanceOf(dev) / 1e18}')
print (f'Pool value in ETH = {pool.getPoolValueInEth() / 1e18}')

block = networks.provider.get_block('latest')
times = np.array([(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(block.timestamp) -
/ datetime.timedelta(days=1)])

run_name = "01_Single_1m_NXM_Sell_After2DaysNXMExiting"

# set nxm exit size
nxm_out = 1_000_000
print(f'nxm sale after 2 days = {nxm_out}')

# variables only used for graph header
ratchet_speed = 4
fast_ratchet_speed = 50
fast_liq_injection = 1500
liq_injection = 100

# Time to run the simulation for
quarter_days = 20

# Tracking Metrics
cap_pool_prediction = np.array([pool.getPoolValueInEth()/1e18])
cap_pool_change_prediction = np.array([cap_pool_prediction[0] - cap_pool_prediction[-1]])
nxm_supply_prediction = np.array([nxm.totalSupply()/1e18])
book_value_prediction = np.array([ramm.getBookValue()/1e18])
liq_prediction = np.array([ramm.getReserves()[0]/1e18])
spot_price_b_prediction = np.array([ramm.getSpotPrices()[1]/1e18])
spot_price_a_prediction = np.array([ramm.getSpotPrices()[0]/1e18])
liq_NXM_b_prediction = np.array([ramm.getReserves()[2]/1e18])
liq_NXM_a_prediction = np.array([ramm.getReserves()[1]/1e18])
budget_prediction = np.array([ramm.getReserves()[3]/1e18])
ip_prediction = np.array([ramm.getInternalPrice()/1e18])

for i in range(quarter_days):

print(f'time = {times[-1]}')
networks.provider.set_timestamp(block.timestamp + 21_600)
block = networks.provider.get_block('latest')

# print metrics
print(f'before swap pool = {cap_pool_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'before swap supply = {nxm_supply_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'before swap BV = {book_value_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'before swap liq = {liq_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'before swap spot_b = {spot_price_b_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'before swap spot_a = {spot_price_a_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'before swap NXM_b = {liq_NXM_b_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'before swap NXM_a = {liq_NXM_a_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'before swap budget = {budget_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'before swap ip = {ip_prediction[-1]}')

# Swap after 2 days
if i == 8:
ramm.swap(int(nxm_out*1e18), 0, 32503680000, sender=dev)


times = np.append(times, [(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(block.timestamp) -
/ datetime.timedelta(days=1)])

cap_pool_prediction = np.append(cap_pool_prediction, [pool.getPoolValueInEth()/1e18])
cap_pool_change_prediction = np.append(cap_pool_change_prediction, [cap_pool_prediction[0] - cap_pool_prediction[-1]])
nxm_supply_prediction = np.append(nxm_supply_prediction, [nxm.balanceOf(dev)/1e18])
book_value_prediction = np.append(book_value_prediction, [ramm.getBookValue()/1e18])
liq_prediction = np.append(liq_prediction, [ramm.getReserves()[0]/1e18])
spot_price_b_prediction = np.append(spot_price_b_prediction, [ramm.getSpotPrices()[1]/1e18])
spot_price_a_prediction = np.append(spot_price_a_prediction, [ramm.getSpotPrices()[0]/1e18])
liq_NXM_b_prediction = np.append(liq_NXM_b_prediction, [ramm.getReserves()[2]/1e18])
liq_NXM_a_prediction = np.append(liq_NXM_a_prediction, [ramm.getReserves()[1]/1e18])
budget_prediction = np.append(budget_prediction, [ramm.getReserves()[3]/1e18])
ip_prediction = np.append(ip_prediction, [ramm.getInternalPrice()/1e18])

print(f'after swap pool = {cap_pool_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'after swap supply = {nxm_supply_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'after swap BV = {book_value_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'after swap liq = {liq_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'after swap spot_b = {spot_price_b_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'after swap spot_a = {spot_price_a_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'after swap NXM_b = {liq_NXM_b_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'after swap NXM_a = {liq_NXM_a_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'after swap budget = {budget_prediction[-1]}')
print(f'after swap ip = {ip_prediction[-1]}')

# Destructuring initialization
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(15,18))
fig.suptitle(f'''Deterministic Protocol-only Model, Solidity Contracts
Opening and target liq of {liq_prediction[0]} ETH; Budget of {budget_prediction[0]} ETH
Ratchet speed while budget lasts = {fast_ratchet_speed}% of BV/day; {ratchet_speed}% of BV/day after
Max daily liquidity injection of {fast_liq_injection} ETH while budget lasts and {liq_injection} ETH after
Testing {nxm_out} NXM sale after 2 days
# fig.tight_layout()

# Subplot
axs[0, 0].plot(times, spot_price_b_prediction, label='price below')
axs[0, 0].plot(times, spot_price_a_prediction, label='price above')
axs[0, 0].plot(times, book_value_prediction, label='book value')
axs[0, 0].plot(times, ip_prediction, label='internal price')
axs[0, 0].set_title('nxm_price')
axs[0, 0].legend()
# Subplot
axs[0, 1].plot(times, cap_pool_prediction)
axs[0, 1].set_title('cap_pool')
# Subplot
axs[1, 0].plot(times, nxm_supply_prediction, label='nxm supply')
axs[1, 0].set_title('nxm_supply')
axs[1, 0].legend()
# Subplot
axs[1, 1].plot(times, liq_NXM_b_prediction, label='NXM reserve below')
axs[1, 1].plot(times, liq_NXM_a_prediction, label='NXM reserve above')
axs[1, 1].set_title('liquidity_nxm')
axs[1, 1].legend()
# Subplot
axs[2, 0].plot(times, liq_prediction, label='ETH liquidity')
axs[2, 0].plot(times, np.full(shape=len(times), fill_value=liq_prediction[0]), label='target')
axs[2, 0].set_title('liquidity_eth')
axs[2, 0].legend()
# Subplot
axs[2, 1].plot(times, cap_pool_change_prediction, label='capital_loss')
axs[2, 1].plot(times, budget_prediction, label='budget')
axs[2, 1].set_title('capital_loss')
axs[2, 1].legend()


src_dir = os.getcwd() # get the current working dir

# copy graph
graph_dest_dir = src_dir + "/graphs/implementation_below_value_tests"
graph_src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, "graphs", "graph.png")
# copy the file to destination dir
shutil.copy(graph_src_file , graph_dest_dir)

# rename the file
graph_dest_file = os.path.join(graph_dest_dir, 'graph.png')
new_graph_file_name = os.path.join(graph_dest_dir, f'{run_name}.png')

os.rename(graph_dest_file, new_graph_file_name)

# print message that it's happened
print(f'graph copied to {new_graph_file_name}')

# copy script
script_dest_dir = src_dir + "/script_archive/Implementation_BelowValueTests"
script_src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, "scripts", "")
# copy the file to destination dir
shutil.copy(script_src_file , script_dest_dir)

# rename the file
script_dest_file = os.path.join(script_dest_dir, '')
new_script_file_name = os.path.join(script_dest_dir, f'{run_name}.py')

os.rename(script_dest_file, new_script_file_name) # rename

print(f'script copied to {new_script_file_name}')

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