I've always wanted a wake-up light, but the existing ones are either too expensive or setting the time with physical buttons is annoying. The first light I've built was based on an Arduino and a Bluetooth module. However, updating native apps as mobile operating systems evolve is a pain. Thankfully, there is the ESP8266, that has WiFi and can host a small mobile app.
- A web app that looks kind of native if placed on the start screen
- Set the time you wish to wake up
- Set the period it takes to get from zero to full brightness
- Set a timeout to switch the light off after the alarm time
- Repeated mode: wake up at the same time every day without changing settings
- Directly control brightness in 64 steps, e.g. for use as bedside lamp at night
- Capacitive sensing: adjust brightness by touching conducting parts of the lamp
- Settings are stored to EEPROM and thus survive restarts
- Fetch the current time from the web after restarts
- Eventually, WiFi-Management: set up WiFi credentials in a captive portal
- An ESP8266 module
- A source of light that is dimmable via PWM (I use a 10W LED + driver from China)
Basically an Arduino sketch, that serves a single page app. Sketch and app communicate via WebSocket.
- Thanks to user 'Madebyoliver' (http://www.flaticon.com/authors/madebyoliver) from flaticon.com for the sun icon, licensed by "Creative Commons BY 3.0"
- Thanks to Lucas and Ahmad for their feedback on the user interface