SuperCollider client for CommonLisp.
It support ClozureCL and SBCL.
tutorial video:
live coding demo:
please check version of dependency library.
- SuperCollider - I tested on latest stable version(3.6.5)
- Quicklisp
- ClozureCL or SBCL
- Scheduler-0.1.5 - The time based task scheduler
- Simple-Utils - The Collection of simple-functions
(in-package :sc)
(setf *sc-synth-program* "...") ;; scsynth program path.
(push "..." *sc-plugin-paths*) ;; scx file's path.
(push "..." *sc-plugin-paths*) ;; it support extensions
(setf *sc-synthdefs-path* "...") ;; your synthdef file will write here
(defparameter *s* (make-external-server "localhost" :port ... :just-connect-p nil))
(server-boot *s*)
;;....hack music.....
(server-quit *s*)
(defsynth sine-wave ((note 60))
(let* ((freq (midicps note))
(sig ( [freq (+ freq 2)] 0 .2)))
( 0 sig)))
(defparameter *synth* (sine-wave))
(ctrl *synth* :note 72)
(bye *synth*)
(proxy :sinesynth
( [440 441] 0 .2))
(proxy :sinesynth
(with-controls ((lfo-speed 4))
( (* [440 441] (range ( [lfo-speed (+ lfo-speed .2)]) 0 1)) 0 .2))
:fade-time 8.0)
(ctrl (proxy :sinesynth) :lfo-speed 8)
(ctrl (proxy :sinesynth) :gate 0)
(defsynth saw-synth ((note 60) (dur 4.0))
(let* ((env ( (env [0 .2 0] [(* dur .2) (* dur .8)]) :act :free))
(freq (midicps note))
(sig ( ( freq env) (* freq 2))))
( 0 [sig sig])))
(defun make-melody (time n &optional (offset 0))
(when (> n 0)
(at time (saw-synth :note (+ offset (alexandria:random-elt '(62 65 69 72)))))
(let ((next-time (+ time (alexandria:random-elt '(0 1 2 1.5)))))
(callback next-time #'make-melody next-time (- n 1) offset))))
(make-melody (quant 4) 16)
(make-melody (+ 4 (quant 4)) 16 12)
(setf *synth-definition-mode* :load)
;; re-define saw-synth. it's synthdef file write to *sc-synthdefs-path*.
(defsynth saw-synth ((note 60) (dur 4.0))
(let* ((env ( (env [0 .2 0] [(* dur .2) (* dur .8)]) :act :free))
(freq (midicps note))
(sig ( ( freq env) (* freq 2))))
( 0 [sig sig])))
;; redering audio-file.
(with-rendering ("~/Desktop/foo.aiff" :pad 60)
(make-melody 0.0d0 32)
(make-melody 8.0d0 32 12)
(make-melody 16.0d0 32 24))