Metrics Sonar Cloud
It's a work in progress, serverless, continuous integration software written in Swift.
Connect your Bitbucket or GitHub accounts and set up a build script for yours repository. GrapeCI launch the build script when these changes are detected:
- New commit on the default branch
- New commit on a pull request
When the build script finish, a build status is created for this commit. Like this one:
Easy way:
- Download, unzip and run.
- If you see this security alert. Go to: Preferences -> Security and allow run GrapeCI. This is because GrapeCI needs run without sandbox in order to run the pipelines.
Build by yourself:
- Update dependencies with Carthage
- Open Xcode project
- Edit the GrapeCI scheme and write the oauth secrets enviroment varialbes (You will need to setup the aouth configuration firstly on Github or Bitbucket)
- Run or Archive the project
Take a look to this guide
To create a custom builds for different scenarios, the build script receives these environment variables:
- REPOSITORY: Repository Name
- MAIN_BRANCH: The repository default branch
- PROVIDER: GitHub or BitBucket
- PR_BRANCH: Destination branch name for pull request
- PR_BASE: Origin branch name for pull request
- PR_ID: Pull request identifier
The documentation folder contains examples of build scripts for direcrent types of projects and tools:
- Learn Apple Combine, SwiftUI and how create a Mac App.
- Have a free and easy to setup continuous integration tool
- Have fun :)
This would be great!
The project is an early state, if you think is useful for you or you want to contribute, do it 💪
sudo gem install cocoapods
sudo gem install slather
sudo gem install xcpretty
brew install sonar-scanner
brew install carthage
brew install sourcery