This is a Gradle plugin for the following tasks:
- Validate an OpenAPI YAML.
- Generate source from an OpenAPI YAML using Swagger Codegen v2/v3 and OpenAPI Generator v3.
- Generate Swagger UI with an OpenAPI YAML.
- Generate ReDoc with an OpenAPI YAML.
See also the following examples:
- Swagger UI example (generated by ui-v3/basic project)
- ReDoc example (generated by redoc/basic project)
- HTML document example (generated by codegen-v2/html project)
- HTML document example (generated by codegen-v3/html project)
- HTML document example (generated by openapi-v3/html project)
Create a project with the following build script.
plugins {
id 'org.hidetake.swagger.generator' version '2.18.1'
repositories {
dependencies {
swaggerCodegen 'io.swagger:swagger-codegen-cli:2.4.2' // Swagger Codegen V2
swaggerCodegen 'io.swagger.codegen.v3:swagger-codegen-cli:3.0.5' // or Swagger Codegen V3
swaggerCodegen 'org.openapitools:openapi-generator-cli:3.3.4' // or OpenAPI Generator
swaggerSources {
petstore {
inputFile = file('petstore.yaml')
code {
language = 'spring'
The task generates source code into build/swagger-code-petstore
% ./gradlew generateSwaggerCode
:resolveSwaggerTemplate NO-SOURCE
:generateSwaggerCode NO-SOURCE
Create a project with the following build script.
plugins {
id 'org.hidetake.swagger.generator' version '2.18.1'
repositories {
dependencies {
swaggerUI 'org.webjars:swagger-ui:3.10.0'
swaggerSources {
petstore {
inputFile = file('petstore.yaml')
The task generates an API document as build/swagger-ui-petstore
% ./gradlew generateSwaggerUI
:generateSwaggerUI NO-SOURCE
Create a project with the following build script.
plugins {
id 'org.hidetake.swagger.generator' version '2.18.1'
swaggerSources {
petstore {
inputFile = file('petstore.yaml')
The task generates an API document as build/redoc-petstore
% ./gradlew generateReDoc
:generateReDoc NO-SOURCE
Create a project with the following build script.
plugins {
id 'org.hidetake.swagger.generator' version '2.18.1'
repositories {
dependencies {
swaggerCodegen 'io.swagger:swagger-codegen-cli:2.4.2' // Swagger Codegen V2
swaggerCodegen 'io.swagger.codegen.v3:swagger-codegen-cli:3.0.5' // or Swagger Codegen V3
swaggerSources {
petstore {
inputFile = file('petstore.yaml')
code {
language = 'html' // html or html2
The task generates a static HTML into build/swagger-code-petstore
% ./gradlew generateSwaggerCode
:resolveSwaggerTemplate NO-SOURCE
:generateSwaggerCode NO-SOURCE
See the examples in acceptance-test.
We can use a JSON configuration file as follows:
swaggerSources {
petstore {
inputFile = file('petstore.yaml')
code {
language = 'spring'
configFile = file('config.json')
depends on the language and framework. For example,
"library": "spring-mvc",
"modelPackage": "example.model",
"apiPackage": "example.api",
"invokerPackage": "example"
Run the task with Help
postfix to show available JSON configuration.
% ./gradlew generateSwaggerCodePetstoreHelp
=== Available raw options
swagger-codegen-cli generate - Generate code with chosen lang
swagger-codegen-cli generate
[(-a <authorization> | --auth <authorization>)]
=== Available JSON configuration for language spring:
It is recommended to generate code into an ephemeral directory (e.g. build
) and exclude it from a Git repository.
We can compile generated code as follows:
swaggerSources {
petstore {
inputFile = file('petstore.yaml')
code {
language = 'spring'
configFile = file('config.json')
// Configure compile task dependency and source
compileJava.dependsOn swaggerSources.petstore.code "${swaggerSources.petstore.code.outputDir}/src/main/java"
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDir "${swaggerSources.petstore.code.outputDir}/src/main/resources"
See also the following examples:
It is recommended to validate an OpenAPI YAML before code generation in order to avoid invalid code generated.
If you use OpenAPI Generator as generator, YAML validation is embeding.
We can validate a YAML as follows:
swaggerSources {
petstore {
inputFile = file('petstore.yaml')
code {
language = 'spring'
configFile = file('config.json')
// Validate YAML before code generation. for Swagger Codegen V2 / V3
dependsOn validation
We can control output of code generation. At default everything is generated but only models and APIs are generated in the following:
swaggerSources {
petstore {
inputFile = file('petstore.yaml')
code {
language = 'spring'
configFile = file('config.json')
// Generate only models and controllers
components = ['models', 'apis']
property accepts a list of strings or map.
// generates only models
components = ['models']
components = [models: true]
// generate only User and Pet models
components = [models: ['User', 'Pet']]
components = [models: 'User,Pet']
// generate only APIs (without tests)
components = [apis: true, apiTests: false]
components = [apis: true, apiTests: null]
See selective generation section for details.
We can use a custom template for the code generation as follows:
// build.gradle
swaggerSources {
inputFile = file('petstore.yaml')
petstore {
language = 'spring'
// Path to the template directory
templateDir = file('templates/spring-mvc')
See also the following examples:
We can use a custom generator class for the code generation as follows:
// build.gradle
swaggerSources {
petstore {
inputFile = file('petstore.yaml')
code {
// FQCN of the custom generator class
language = 'CustomGenerator'
dependencies {
swaggerCodegen project('generators')
swaggerSources*.code*.dependsOn 'generators:jar'
// generators/build.gradle (child project)
dependencies {
compile 'io.swagger:swagger-codegen-cli:2.4.2'
// generators/src/main/groovy/CustomGenerator.groovy
import io.swagger.codegen.languages.SpringCodegen
class CustomGenerator extends SpringCodegen {
See also the following examples:
In some large use case, we can release a template or generator to an external repository and use them from projects.
// build.gradle
repositories {
// Use external repository for the template and the generator class
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
swaggerCodegen 'io.swagger:swagger-codegen-cli:2.4.2'
// Add dependency for the template
swaggerTemplate 'com.example:swagger-templates:1.0.0'
// Add dependency for the generator class
swaggerCodegen 'com.example:swagger-generators:1.0.0'
swaggerSources {
petstore {
inputFile = file('petstore.yaml')
code {
language = 'spring'
// The plugin automatically extracts template JAR into below destination
templateDir = file("${resolveSwaggerTemplate.destinationDir}/spring-mvc")
See also the following examples:
- codegen-v2/externalize-template and codegen-v2/externalize-class
- codegen-v3/externalize-template and codegen-v3/externalize-class
- openapi-v3/externalize-template and openapi-v3/externalize-class
We can handle multiple sources in a project as follows:
// build.gradle
swaggerSources {
petstoreV1 {
inputFile = file('v1-petstore.yaml')
code {
language = 'spring'
configFile = file('v1-config.json')
petstoreV2 {
inputFile = file('v2-petstore.yaml')
code {
language = 'spring'
configFile = file('v2-config.json')
compileJava.dependsOn swaggerSources.petstoreV1.code, swaggerSources.petstoreV2.code "${swaggerSources.petstoreV1.code.outputDir}/src/main/java", "${swaggerSources.petstoreV2.code.outputDir}/src/main/java"
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs "${swaggerSources.petstoreV1.code.outputDir}/src/main/resources", "${swaggerSources.petstoreV2.code.outputDir}/src/main/resources"
See also the following examples:
We can use multiple versions of Swagger Codegen as follows:
// build.gradle
configurations {
dependencies {
swaggerCodegenV2 'io.swagger:swagger-codegen-cli:2.4.2'
swaggerCodegenV3 'io.swagger.codegen.v3:swagger-codegen-cli:3.0.5'
swaggerSources {
petstoreV2 {
inputFile = file('v2-petstore.yaml')
code {
language = 'spring'
configuration = configurations.swaggerCodegenV2
petstoreV3 {
inputFile = file('v3-petstore.yaml')
code {
language = 'spring'
configuration = configurations.swaggerCodegenV3
See also the following examples:
We can configure Swagger UI
by overwriting the default index.html
as follows:
swaggerSources {
petstore {
inputFile = file('petstore.yaml')
ui {
doLast {
copy {
from 'index.html'
into outputDir
You can create an index.html
from the Swagger UI official one.
It must satisfy the followings:
- Put
<script src="./swagger-spec.js">
in order to load a Swagger spec. The plugin exports the Swagger spec asswagger-spec.js
file while generation. - Set
spec: window.swaggerSpec
parameters. - Set
validatorUrl: null
parameters in order to turn off the validator badge.
See also the following examples:
- ui-v3/basic
- ui-v2/basic (if you need Swagger UI 2.x)
The plugin adds validateSwagger
, generateSwaggerCode
, generateSwaggerUI
and GenerateReDoc
A task will be skipped if no input file is given.
The task accepts below properties.
Key | Type | Value | Default value |
inputFile |
File | Swagger spec file. | Mandatory |
reportFile |
File | File to write validation report. | $buildDir/tmp/validateSwagger/report.yaml |
It depends on the following JSON schema:
The task accepts below properties.
Key | Type | Value | Default value |
language |
String | Language to generate. | Mandatory |
inputFile |
File | Swagger spec file. | Mandatory |
outputDir |
File | Directory to write generated files. | $buildDir/swagger-code |
wipeOutputDir |
Boolean | Wipe the outputDir before generation. |
true |
library |
String | Library type. | None |
configFile |
File | JSON configuration file. | None |
templateDir |
File | Directory containing the template. | None |
components |
List or Map | Components to generate that is a list of models , apis and supportingFiles . |
All components |
additionalProperties |
Map of String, String | Additional properties. | None |
rawOptions |
List of Strings | Raw command line options for Swagger Codegen | None |
configuration |
String or Configuration | Configuration for Swagger Codegen | configurations.swaggerCodegen |
The task accepts below properties.
Key | Type | Value | Default value |
inputFile |
File | Swagger spec file. | Mandatory |
outputDir |
File | Directory to write Swagger UI files. | $buildDir/swagger-ui |
wipeOutputDir |
Boolean | Wipe the outputDir before generation. |
true |
Note that options
and header
are no longer supported since 2.10.0.
See the Migration Guide for details.
The task accepts below properties.
Key | Type | Value | Default value |
inputFile |
File | Swagger spec file. | Mandatory |
outputDir |
File | Directory to write ReDoc files. | $buildDir/swagger-redoc |
wipeOutputDir |
Boolean | Wipe the outputDir before generation. |
true |
scriptSrc |
String | URL to ReDoc JavaScript. | // |
title |
String | HTML title. | ReDoc - $filename |
options |
Map of Strings | ReDoc tag attributes. | Empty map |
This is an open source software licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. Feel free to open issues or pull requests.
CircleCI builds the plugin continuously. Following variables should be set.
Environment Variable | Purpose |
Publish the plugin to Gradle Plugins |
Publish the plugin to Gradle Plugins |