This page has various scripts and commands for managing a chia farm in Linux.
Consider donating if you find these tools helpful. My public wallet address:
XCH: xch1ejfl6f8czcaz9dpuqysgwznv0zk706d6mte8tutxh7de6kr0czqqzl606v
To get the pool launcher id, from the gui, go to Pooling -> press three dots on top right of nft card -> select "View Pool Login ID".
- First get the launcher id with
chia plotnft show
- Then get the login link with
chia plotnft get_login_link -l [launcher id]
- Or use this,
LAUNCHER=`echo|chia plotnft show|grep -A 2 FARMING_TO_POOL|grep Launcher|awk '{print $3}'|sed -n '1p'` && chia plotnft get_login_link -l $LAUNCHER
- Modify '1p' to the number of the nft you want.
Make an online copy of the db without having to take your farmer down using sqlite3
sqlite3 /home/$(whoami)/.chia/mainnet/db/blockchain_v2_mainnet.sqlite "vacuum into '/home/$(whoami)/tmp/blockchain_v2_mainnet.sqlite'"