pieshelf is a static gallery generator written in PHP. It's inspired by gerallery, but tries to be entirely a CLI tool.
You can check out a demo gallery over here: rihards.github.io/pieshelf.
The demo was generated with the default theme using the following command:
php pieshelf.php --input=/tmp/input --output=/tmp/output --thumb=180 --full=800 --name="Preview Gallery"
Images courtesy of /r/quotesporn and /r/wallpapers
pieshelf requires PHP 5.3+ and ImageMagick.
To generate a gallery type:
php pieshelf.php --input=<directory with images> --output=<directory where the gallery should be generated>
--name="Gallery Name"
This will set the title of the page in the default theme.
You can specify which theme you'd like, you can fine more info about making those inside themes/default/index.tpl.php.
The size that you want your thumbnails to be at.
If you'd like to resize the original/full images you can specify it here.
With the force option you can force the script to regenerate the thumbnails and the index.html file.
--copyright="© 2014"
Let's you specify a copyright for the gallery. In default theme this is used in the footer.