This is the authors' implementation of [1].
The code is implemented in MATLAB and includes:
- demo1_MUA.m - a demo script comparing the algorithms (DC1)
- demo2_MUA.m - a demo script comparing the algorithms (DC2)
- demo3_MUA.m - a demo script comparing the algorithms (DC3)
- demo4_supp_MUA.m - demo script of the supplemental material
- demo5_supp_MUA.m - demo script of the supplemental material
- demo6_supp_MUA.m - demo script of the supplemental material
- sort_library_by_angle.m - sort the signatures in the spectral library
- prune_library.m - remove correlated signatures from the library
- tight_subplot.m - more efficient subplot
- soft.m - soft thresholding operator function
- sunsal.m - the SUnSAL algorithm
- sunsal_tv.m - the SUnSAL-TV algorithm
- sunsal_tv_lw_sp.m - the S2WSU algorithm
- sunsal_spreg.m - sparse unmixing at the fine spatial scale
- ./real_data/ - real images and spectral libraries used in the supplemental experiments
- ./vlfeat-0.9/ - the VLFeat toolbox (used for the SLIC superpixels alg.)
- ./HSI_segmentation/ - Binary partition tree HSI segmentation algorithm
- README - this file
If you use this software please cite the following in any resulting publication:
[1] A Fast Multiscale Spatial Regularization for Sparse Hyperspectral Unmixing
R.A. Borsoi, T. Imbiriba, J.C.M. Bermudez, C. Richard.
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2018.
Just start MATLAB and run demo1_MUA.m, demo2_MUA.m or demo3_MUA.m.
For the demos in the supplemental material, just run demo4_supp_MUA.m, demo5_supp_MUA.m, or demo6_supp_MUA.m. The data (spectral libraries and images) for these examples is included in the "real_data" folder.
The Cuprite HS image is not included, and should be downloaded from
If you encounter problems with the "vl_slic" or "vl_setup" functions, try to download the latest version of the toolbox at
The SUnSAL and SUnSAL-TV algorithms are provided by Jose Bioucas Dias at
The S2WSU algorithm was provided by Shaoquan Zhang, and corresponds to the publication: S. Zhang, J. Li, H.-C. Li, C. Deng and A. Plaza. Spectral-Spatial Weighted Sparse Regression for Hyperspectral Image Unmixing. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018
The vl_feat toolbox is included for the SLIC algorithm implementation
The Binary Partition Tree HSI segmentation algorithm was provided by Miguel Veganzones. Veganzones, M. A., Tochon, G., Dalla-Mura, M., Plaza, A. J., & Chanussot, J. Hyperspectral image segmentation using a new spectral unmixing-based binary partition tree representation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2014.