This app is built using PHP. The data are pulled from a free API found at:
The Json API Response are then treated and coordinates are sent to the Free Open Street Map Service found at:
The Map markers are displayed and styled using the: Javascript library.
Before installation, make sure that you have the following installed on your mahcine:
- Apache
- Php
- Mysql
An easy way to get around is to install a software such as:
- WAMP for windows users
- LAMP for linux users
- MAMP for mac users
TO install the program, follow the steps below:
- clone the repo into the root directory of your apache (e.g. www/)
- create a virtual host for the project in your apache host configs (.host file)
- start your apache server
- open your virtual host on your browser
This project was built as a collaboration between Zohary Andrianome and Riana Andrianome