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A bot to provide former AOL™ role-players with familiar dice rolls, scoring options, and some added features like searching across the galaxy of Discord™ for lost friends via AOL™ screen names.

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On account of discord's latest set of changes, OnlineHost is actually currently under the process of being rebuilt to transition from tokenized commands as described herein to slash commands. Additionally, menus and reaction-based "control panels" will be transition to component-based (REAL BUTTONS!!!) functionality. Have a nice day!


This bot serves multiple purposes, most noteworthy are: Rolling Dice, Proctoring Matches, pseudo-private channels management, and providing an archive for looking up old friends from AOL by screename searching. Other functionality can come or go depending on my availability to work on features.


OnlineHost is a work in progress. Some of the features outlined here are not implemented yet but are in the planning stages. Expect some volatility if you are an early adopter. You've been warned.


Per Discord's Developer Terms of Service (TOS), this bot does not log chat history. Every possible effort is made to make good faith adherence to all TOS and any missed or misinterpreted terms will be rectified immediately. The bot stores very little user data and only for operational purposes to ensure a stable, enjoyable experience for those wishing to engage with the bot. The bot does store operational logs for quality control purposes, but those logs only consist of commands issued directly to the bot and other operating conditions.

Getting Started

Add To Your Server

Invite the Bot to join your server.

If you are not the owner of the server, and you do not have the Administrator permission, you may not be able to grant all the necessary permissions for the bot to function. If you do not have manage_server you cannot add bots at all. If you find you do not see all the permissions enabled (or at the very least the bolded permissions) from the following section listed on the bot invite authorization page, you will need to have the server owner or an administrator perform the authorization.

Disclosure regarding required permissions

I hate it when an app demands all sorts of permissions, some of them not obvious what they are for, without any explanation. In the interest of transparency and security as a first-principle of my development efforts here, I give you my reasons for requesting these permissions in my bot:

  • read_messages Allows to bot to receive commands on the server
  • send_messages Allows the bot to respond to commands on the server
  • manage_messages Allows the bot to help keep the chat dialogue/backlog clear of excessive command usage
  • manage_channels This is required for the Private Channels Module (bot must be able to create/remove channels)
  • manage_roles This is required for the Private Channels Module and Greeting Role assignment (bot must be able to assign roles to users)

For future planned features (will update as features are implemented):

  • create_instant_invite
  • embed_links
  • manage_webhooks
  • add_reactions

If you want to explicitly exclude the bot from any channel, you can edit that channel's permissions to deny Read Messages to the bot's integrated role.


Bot Management

Syntax Description
~token character Sets the command token for the current channel.
~stoken character Sets the command token for the current server.
~mute Bot will ignore the current channel.
~unmute Bot will resume parsing commands in current channel.
~help Lists commands available on the bot.
~help command Shows the help document for the command, if one is present.

Admin Commands

The Bot owner has several commands available, including global ban for when users abuse the Bot's functionality. Anyone banned from using the bot for explicit abuse WILL NOT be unbanned. Anyone caught creating multiple accounts to circumvent this ban will be reported to Discord for abuse.


Greeting Message

The bot can be configured to greet newcomers to your server with a custom message. TODO

Greeting Role

The bot can be configured to assign a role to newcomers on your server. TODO

Rolling Dice

(The ~roll command can be shortened to just ~r.)

Syntax Description
~roll Rolls two 6-sided dice (or whatever other default dice are set).
~roll 2d20 Rolls two 20-sided dice.
~roll 99d999 Rolls ninety-nine 999-sided dice.
Exploding Dice
~roll 4d6! to roll exploding dice on thie highest side (6s in the example).
~roll 4d6!6 to roll exploding dice on all 6s
~roll 4d6!>4 to roll exploding dice on numbers greater than 4
~roll 4d6!<3 to roll exploding dice on numbers less than 3
~roll 4d10!>=4 to roll exploding dice on numbers greater than or equal to 4
~roll 4d10!<=3 to roll exploding dice on numbers less than or equal to 3
~roll 4d6k to roll 4d6 and keep the highest die
~roll 4d6d to roll 4d6 and drop the highest die (yes, drop the HIGHEST)
~roll 4d6k3 to roll 4d6 and keep the highest 3 rolls
~roll 4d6d3 to roll 4d6 and drop the highest 3 rolls (yes, drop the HIGHEST)
Success Counting
~roll 4d6c Counts the number of dice equal to the highest side (d6 = 6)
~roll 4d10c>=4 count the dice with sides greater than or equal to 4
~roll 4d10c<=3 count the dice with sides less than or equal to 3
Success Dice
~roll dh50 to roll degrees of success against a target of 50; above = fail, below = success
Fudge Dice
~roll 4f Rolls four fudge dice.
~roll $(variable_name) Enclosing the variable name in $( and ) to interpolate it

Essentially, rolling anything from 1d2 to 99d999. Modifiers can be added by using +# or -#. By default, however, only dice with d20 to d100 will be scored in the tradition of RhyDin scoring. I may update the bot at a later date to allow server owners to define a custom table, but I will probably limit this feature to Patreon patrons.

User-defined Variables

OnlineHost has the capability of storing variables (abilities, statistics, characteristics, predefined roll strings, etc.). These can either be stored against a channel or portably in a variable profile.


Variables can be nested. Roll strings can be variablized.

Syntax Description
~myvars Show a list of all set variables
~myvars <var_name> Show the value of a variable, if it exists
~myvars <var_name> <value of variable> Set the value of a variable
~bulkvars <dictionary> Create multiple variables from a semicolon (;) separated list of variable:value pairs
~delvars <var_name_1> [...] Delete one or more variables


Syntax Description
~profile Reports which profile is current active
~profile list List your profiles and reports how many variables and a brief description
~profile create <profile_name> [optional profile description Make a new profile
~use <profile_name> choose which profile is active in the current channel
~rename <old_profile> <new_profile> change the name of an existing profile
~copy <var> [from] <profile_1> [to] <profile_2> copy a variable from one profile to another
~copyall <source_profile> <target_profile> copy all variables from one profile to another see ~help profile:copyall for more
~merge <receiving_profile> <disposed_profile> [...] combine all the variables of two or more profiles into one
~delete <profile_name> completely delete a profile and all it's contained variables

Rolling on a Set of Choices

Rolling Against an Impromptu List

Syntax Description
~choose item 1, item 2, ... Rolls 1dn, where n is the number of items in comma-separated list.

Rolling Against a Predefined List

Roll tables are scoped to the server. Server owners, server administrators, or users with the Manage Server permission can create/modify tables.

Syntax Description
~choose tablename [(+/-)#] Choose from a pre-compiled table by name. Allows integer modifiers.
~table new tablename [description] Create a table by name, optionally adding a description.
~table list Show a list of available table names.
~table info tablename Show the dice, description, and error information (such as gaps in the table sequence).
~table add tablename item 1, item 2 [, ...] Add items to a table, 1 side per item.
~table add tablename [s,e]item 1, [s,e]item 2 [, ...] Add items to a table, were s and e in square brackets represent the start and end sides for the item.
~table rewrite tablename side-# new item value Rewrite the item with the side-# in it's range.
~table remove tablename side-# remove an item from a table with the side-# in it's range.
~table delete tablename Delete a table entirely.

Sparring Matches

Syntax User Description
~spar:open [fixed dice] [fixed hp] Proctor Proctors command to start a match. If fixed dice or fixed hp are provided, all participants will have the same dice or hp.
~spar:join Player Players command to join an open match in the channel. Rolls 1d100.
~spar:close Player Closes the match to new participants and resolves any tiebreaking for initial rolls.
~spar:begin Proctor The combat is now ready for combat; the first player may attack.
~spar:pause Proctor Pauses a match preventing any commands for the match from being processed.
~spar:resume Proctor Start up a paused match.
~spar:roll [1-5]d[2-100] @username | 2 @username 2 @username Player Rolling dice for a match will target the @user[s] for damage.
~spar:scoreboard Participants Prints out a scoreboard for the current match. If the proctor uses this command, it prints to the channel of the current match. If a player uses this command, OnlineHost will send the scoreboard in a DM.
~spar:scoreboard @proctor Anyone Prints out a scoreboard for the current match being run by the mentioned proctor. Scoreboard will be sent in a DM.
~spar:update [hp dice maxhp init damage] @username [+|-]?[1-100] Proctor Proctor command to update player data if something got mixed up (like a forgotten modifier).
~spar:quit [reason] Player a Player can quit a match at any time for any reason or no reason.
~spar:skip Proctor Proctor can skip the current player's turn.
~spar:add @username [dice] Proctor Proctor can add a user after the match is started.
~spar:remove @username [reason] Proctor Proctor can remove a user for whatever reason.
~spar:cancel Proctor Proctor can end a match prematurely.
~spar:remove @username Proctor Proctor can remove a match player.
~spar:assign @username Proctor Proctor can hand a match over to another proctor if they need to leave.
~spar:end Proctor Proctor wraps up the match. This will tally xp (future feature) and removes the scoreboard.

"Private" or "Personal" Channels

Syntax Description
~privatechannels If user is admin, DMs them information about channels.
~privatechannels <on|off> Enables/Disables creation of private channels.
~createchannel hyphenated-channel-name [topic] Users can create ONE private channel. Any characters after the name become the channel's topic.
~deletechannel Deletes the user's channel, or an admin can delete the current channel.
~invite @user1 [@user2 ...] Adds @user(s) to your personal channel.
~dismiss @user1 [@user2 ...] Removes @user(s) from your personal channel.
~leave Remove yourself from the current personal channel.

Screen Name Database

Syntax                                                                     Description
~sn:list [@username] Show the current user's archived screen names, or show the screen names of the provided user.
~sn:add sn1 [, sn2 [, ...]] Add these screen names to the archive for the current user. Use of this command is considered an opt-in for search.
~sn:remove sn1 [, sn2 [, ...]] Remove these screen names from the archive for the current user.
~sn:search term[s] Search screen names for the provided terms. Adding screen names is considered an opt-in to being searched. optout is available without needing to delete screen names.
~sn:optout This command will prevent your screen names from being searchable.
~sn:optin This command will re-enable your screen names to be found with search if you previously opted out.

Future Usage (not implemented yet)

The actual implementation of how the following commands will probably differ significantly from those proposed here. This section represents mainly a thought dump on what could be done.

Proctoring Matches

New functionality

Syntax User Description
~spar:assign @proctor @username Admin Server or channel admin can forcefully reassign a match to another proctor.
~spar:npc dice health [@proctor] NPC's Name Proctor Create an NPC in the match. Optionally, specify a "proctor" to play the NPC.

Managing staff

Syntax Description
~proctors:open Allow anyone to proctor matches.
~proctors:closed Allow only registered Proctors to proctor matches.
~proctors:add @username Flag a user as allowed to proctor matches.
~proctors:stats @username Show statistics for a proctor.
~proctors:remove @username Remove a user from the proctors list.

Settings (Administrative commands)

Not sure if any of these will be good.

  • ~set channel:owner @username Allows channel-related bot admin commands to be used by someone other than server owner, including adding channel admins. If not set, the server owner is assumed to be the channel owner.
  • ~set channel:admin @username Server or channel owner can allow someone to manage channel-related bot settings. Admins cannot add/remove admins.
  • ~set [module] <on|off> [server|channel|@user] Turn on/off specific functionality for a specified entity.
  • ~set scores:method <sum|table|function|default> [optional name for table or function] set how dice are scored.

Getting Support

Issues can be opened here on Github, or you can reach out to me on my beta testing server at:

Disclaimer and No Liability

The bot is neither created nor endorsed by Discord. Any functionality is provided at the discretion of the bot's maintainer(s). The Bot is operated as-is and makes no warranty to the quality of service. Speak with your server owner if you have problems with the bot being present on any server. Per Discord developer ToS, this bot does not make and store a record any chat. The bot only maintains logs of commands directly issued to it for security and maintenance purposes.


A bot to provide former AOL™ role-players with familiar dice rolls, scoring options, and some added features like searching across the galaxy of Discord™ for lost friends via AOL™ screen names.






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