Error: buildah exited with code 1
time="2023-11-27T06:34:41Z" level=warning msg="missing \"QUARKUS_EXTENSIONS\" build argument. Try adding \"--build-arg QUARKUS_EXTENSIONS=<VALUE>\" to the command line"
time="2023-11-27T06:34:41Z" level=warning msg="missing \"QUARKUS_ADD_EXTENSION_ARGS\" build argument. Try adding \"--build-arg QUARKUS_ADD_EXTENSION_ARGS=<VALUE>\" to the command line"
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:a1bb979cdd4dda636a909c677dbdc8a6ffe2b5214bb7795fb00aa64499b6b400
Copying blob sha256:a1bb979cdd4dda636a909c677dbdc8a6ffe2b5214bb7795fb00aa64499b6b400
Copying config sha256:6882dc407f7c99b3282dfccba4948b8e5e5e42e1eb80c7e77982277f0f8caabb
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
INFO -> Copying files from /home/kogito/serverless-workflow-project/resources, if any...
INFO Configure Maven
INFO --> checking if .mvn/jvm.config exists.
INFO ---> .mvn/jvm.config does not exists, memory will be calculated based on container limits.
error building at STEP "RUN /home/kogito/launch/ ./resources": error while running runtime: exit status 1
time="2023-11-27T06:35:36Z" level=error msg="exit status 1"