For our final project, we decided to make an visual atwood machine with inclines to demonstrate how blocks would move under different conditions.
The user is able to adjust the following variables with the sliders:
- Angle of each incline
- Friction coefficient of each block
- Mass of each block
- Mass of pendulum
As you move the sliders, the diagram below the sliders changes with it. Our program also caculates the forces acting on each block and displays it on the Free Body Diagram, with each force represented by a different color displayed on the key on its right.
Right below the sliders, there is a button that says "Animate". If you click it, the diagram would show how the blocks slide given its set conditions. If the blocks do not move, it means either the frictional force is too large or the blocks are in equilbrium.
Finally, on the bottom right the calculated values of each of the forces is displayed for the user as well as the overall acceleration and speed of the blocks as they slide.
Our project requires the user to install controlP5. You can find the link to download it here